
Clone wiki

meetings / 140718_webex

Minutes Webex 18 July 2014, 6TiSCH WG

Note: timestamps in PDT.

Taking notes (using Etherpad)

  1. Pascal Thubert

Present (alphabetically)

  1. Nicola Accettura
  2. Pascal Thubert
  3. Pouria Zand
  4. Qin Wang
  5. Rene Struik

Connection details


Action Items

  • Pascal to update the slideware on the IETF resources site


  • Administrivia [2min]
    • Approval agenda
    • Approval minutes last call
  • walk-through slides [20min]
    • <draft-struik-6tisch-security-architecture-elements> [10min]
    • <draft-richardson-6tisch--security-6top> [10min]
  • AOB [1min]


  • [08.05] Meeting starts
  • Administrivia
    • Approval agenda

      Agenda is approved. No issues raised. the idea of the meeting today is to go through Security presentations. Michael is not present so we will go through René slides only

    • Approval minutes last call

      Last Call minutes are approved. No issues raised.

  • walk-through slides
    • [Pascal] propose to change the text on whether security is in charter
    • also change the footer to reflect the proper name
    • online editing
  • AOB
    • No other B.
