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Minutes, 9 June 2017 interim, 6TiSCH WG

Note: timestamps in PDT.

Connection details


  1. Diego Dujovne
  2. Thomas Watteyne
  3. Pascal Thubert
  4. Malisa Vucinic
  5. Michael Richardson
  6. Dominique Barthel
  7. Qin Wang
  8. Remy Leone
  9. Tengfei Chang
  10. Xavi Vilajosana
  11. Pedro Gomes
  12. Simon Duquennoy
  13. Sedat Gormus

Present (previous meeting)

  1. Thomas Watteyne
  2. Pascal Thubert
  3. A Paventhan
  4. Diego Dujovne
  5. Jonathan Munoz
  6. Malisa Vucinic
  7. Maria Rita Palattella
  8. Michael Richardson
  9. Remy Leone
  10. Sumankumar Panchal
  11. Tengfei Chang
  12. Yasuyuki Tanaka

Taking notes (using Etherpad)

  1. Pascal Thubert
  2. Thomas Watteyne
  3. Xavi Vilajosana

Action Items

  • Xavi and Qin to follow up review SF0
  • Diego to continue the thread on time out computation between SF0 and 6P. Whether ASN of the time out should be indicated in the packet.
  • Xavi and Qin to post 6p-06 addressing Jonathan's comments
  • All to review the test


  • Administrivia [7min]
    • Agenda bashing
    • Approval minutes from last meeting
    • Addressing todo's from last time
    • Available: RFC 8137 and RFC 8180
  • 6P finalization (Xavi, Qin) [20min]
    • News on draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-05 [Qin]
    • review 6P [Jonathan, presented by Tengfei]
  • PlugTest [25min]
    • admin update [Miguel]
    • test description [Maria Rita]
    • overview tools [Remy]
    • next steps [Thomas]
  • AOB [ 3min]


  • [7:05] Administrivia [7min]

    • Agenda bashing
      • agenda is approved.
    • Approval minutes from last meeting
    • Last call minutes approved.
    • Addressing todo's from last time
      • Xavi and Qin to review SF0
        • Xavi sent comments to Diego and mailing list, got response but hasn't processed yet.
        • Qin also sent the review of SF0 to the ML and to Diego.
        • Action item for Diego to follow up.
        • Diego to start a thread on time out computation between SF0 and 6P. Whether ASN of the time out should be indicated in the packet.
      • Xavi and Qin to post 6p-05 addressing Charlie's comments
        • Done
      • Jonathan to review 6P after Charlie's comments are addressed
        • Underway, comments posted and being discussed
    • Available: RFC 8137 and RFC 8180
      • RFC8137, shared work with 6lo, Asking officially to IEEE ANA for an IETF IE
      • Action item for 6p editor is to update 6p draft to point to this RFC.
      • We need to make sure we allocate a sub-id for the 6P from the IETF IANA
    • Also RFC8180 published
    • Plugtest information:
      • Chairs asked for a 6TiSCH meeting early in the week.
      • The duration can be elastic 2H or 2H30, to be sure we get it at the beginning of the week.
  • [7:12] 6P finalization (Xavi, Qin) [20min]

    • News on draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol-05 [Qin]
    • review 6P [Jonathan, presented by Tengfei]
      • Qin provided answers to the review by Jonathan
      • Tengfei: About the use of MAY
      • Thomas: please do not use normative language here, just lowercase "are"
      • Pascal: yes, please limit the use of uppercase to normative directions that are required for interoperation, and may be validated by a conformance test.
      • Xavi: what's next, publish 06 and then?
      • Thomas: Yes we need a stable 06 for the plugTest. We can WGLC after the plugtest
      • Xavi: yes, there were a lot of good comments for minimal at previous plugTest
      • Pascal: Agree, let's report on the plugTest abd the WG meeting and start WGLC ASAP after that
  • [7:32] PlugTest [25min]

    • admin update [Thomas for Miguel]
      • Website is launched, need registrations by end of June
    • test description [Remy for Maria Rita]

      • published by Remy. The presentation seems to be image only, can not click on link, please paste it here:
      • Call to everybody to have a look and raise issues if something is not correct.
      • release it by 15th june
      • have a sniffer on the pt that will be sniffing all traffic during all day long.
      • objective is to be able to replicate all what happened during the plugtest.
      • test include: minimal, sync, security, 6p
      • TW: questions about bitbucket repo

        • the repo contains yml files with the different tels. THere is a tool to convert them to pdf.
        • Remy has done a subselection of the tests in the repo to create the final pdf. THe rest of yml files describe other tests that will not be used in this PT.
        • THe idea is that by the 16th of june an official PDF will be sent out as a final test description.
        • REMY requires as much review as possible from the WG and participant.
      • Thomas: please do the pseudo-legals to ensure that all participants agree that all traffic is sniffed and recorded *

        • On 6TiSCH security [Malisa]
      • Stateless proxy option defined in the 6tisch minimal security
      • new coap option used when we want stateless operation of the coap proxy.

      • Question is where to include the description of the required option for the 6tisch minimal security. Need a separate Core draft?

      • Also value:
        • first range to 255 is for options defined by the IETF in an RFC and with IESG approval.
        • second range 255 to 2047 common specifications (outside IETF)
        • Malisa proposes to use a number from the second range. So we do not close this option to the IETF.
        • Michael R: agrees on using the first range. as this is an option for the IETF.
        • Would that option will be hidden in the 6tisch draft? or be a different draft at core
        • Pascal: The rule is an RFC, note a Core RFC. We need to present ot Core early, that's politeness.
        • Malisa: Already presented to Core
        • Thomas: All set then
        • Michael R: we do not need to make it a different draft but just present 1 slide at CORE.
  • [7:47] AOB [ 3min]

    • All: Please register by July 7 at the IETF meeting. Draft cutoff date is July 3rd.
