Collapse Series

Issue #88 new
Enthalpy created an issue

The original proposal is that featured trials are displayed by case rather than by part.

As a temporary solution until Issue #67 is no longer on hold, I propose a "collapse into first part" search parameter, which would be enabled by default.

Comments (4)

  1. Enthalpy reporter

    Note: Upon fixing #88, evaluate if #87 can be closed as duplicate or wontfix. It probably can, but circumstances may change.

  2. Enthalpy reporter

    I'm going to try to work on this, but I'm having some problems with the language:

    I'll need the word collapse (as in 'collapse series') translated to French, German, and Spanish. I've talked with two German users, who thought zusammenfassen might work, but also considered ausblenden. For French, réduire or s'effondrer might do. In Spanish, cerrar (close) or colapsar.

  3. Noah Simon

    Well, for me, I'd much prefer if all the parts of a featured trial are hidden except the first part... Right now, it's super confusing and, I'd honestly say intimidating for an average user.

    -- kwando1313
    In my opinion, all parts of a trial should be shown.
    1. I complete the investigation on a case and go part-way into the trial
    2. I save my game and power off my computer.
    3. The next day, I go back to search.php to get back to the trial section, of the trial, but it's not there.

    However, I do support adding a point in series indicator in the trialCard or the trialMoreInfo. Also, maybe cases can be ordered by series?

  4. Enthalpy reporter

    Collapse series would be an option, not something users are locked into for all eternity.

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