
Adaptavist Page Tree Creation

Created by Tony Gough

File pageTreeCreationEndpoint.groovy Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+* A script that should be used as a Rest Endpoint script in ScriptRunner for Confluence.
+* This script creates the specified page tree structure.
+* The structure can optionally be based on templates and includes parameters for Title, body content, child pages and labels.
+import com.atlassian.confluence.core.BodyContent
+import com.atlassian.confluence.core.BodyType
+import com.atlassian.confluence.core.DefaultSaveContext
+import com.atlassian.confluence.labels.Label
+import com.atlassian.confluence.labels.LabelManager
+import com.atlassian.confluence.labels.Labelable
+import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page
+import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.PageManager
+import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.templates.PageTemplate
+import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.templates.PageTemplateManager
+import com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.Space
+import com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.SpaceManager
+import com.atlassian.confluence.user.AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal
+import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator
+import groovy.json.JsonOutput
+import groovy.transform.BaseScript
+// The page tree configuration. The respective fields like content, template and label are optional. The page field defines child pages.
+spec = [
+    [
+        title  : "Parent Page",
+        content: "Parent Page Content",
+        page   : [
+            [
+                title   : "Child Page 1",
+                template: null,
+                label   : ["label1"]
+            ], [
+                title   : "Child Page 2",
+                template: null,
+                label   : ["label1", "label2"]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+// Configure the manager classes
+spaceMgr = ComponentLocator.getComponent(SpaceManager.class)
+pageMgr = ComponentLocator.getComponent(PageManager.class) as PageManager
+pageTemplateMgr = ComponentLocator.getComponent(PageTemplateManager.class) as PageTemplateManager
+labelMgr = ComponentLocator.getComponent(LabelManager.class)
+@BaseScript CustomEndpointDelegate delegate
+createPagesWithLabels(httpMethod: "GET", groups: ["confluence-administrators"]) { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body ->
+    def spaceId = queryParams.get("spaceId")[0] as String
+    def flag = [
+        type : 'success',
+        title: "Pages Created",
+        close: 'auto',
+        body : "You have created page for this space ${spaceId}"
+    ]
+    try {
+        createPages(spaceId)
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        flag = [
+            type : 'failure',
+            title: "An Error Occurred",
+            close: 'auto',
+            body : "There was an error trying to create the pages. Please see the log for further details."
+        ]
+        log.error(e)
+    }
+    Response.ok(JsonOutput.toJson(flag)).build()
+ * Create the desired page structure for demonstration.
+ *
+ * @param spaceId The ID of the space to add pages for.
+ */
+private void createPages(String spaceId) throws Exception {
+    def space = spaceMgr.getSpace(spaceId) as Space
+    def spaceHomePage = space.getHomePage() as Page
+    spec.each { pageSpec ->
+        createPage(spaceHomePage, space, pageSpec)
+    }
+ * Create a page using the given page specification (pageSpec). This spec dictates the title of the page, the template
+ * to be used to populate it (if any) and if required, the specification of any child pages.
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent page for the page we're about to create.
+ * @param space The space that the page should be created in.
+ * @param pageSpec The specification for the pages to create.
+ */
+private void createPage(Page parent, Space space, Map pageSpec) {
+    def testPageTitle = pageSpec.title as String
+    def basicContent = pageSpec.content as String
+    def labelTxt = pageSpec.label as List<String>
+    def templateId = pageSpec.template as Long
+    // Generate content - with a default in case we can't find the template id
+    def content = "Please enter some content.."
+    if (templateId) {
+        String templateContent = getTemplateContent(templateId)
+        content = templateContent
+    } else if (basicContent) {
+        content = basicContent
+    }
+    def createdPage = createBasicPage(space, testPageTitle, content)
+    linkPages(parent, createdPage)
+    // Save this page..
+    try {
+        pageMgr.saveContentEntity(createdPage, DefaultSaveContext.SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS)
+        log.debug("Created page ${testPageTitle} successfully")
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        log.error("Unable to create page ${testPageTitle}", e)
+    }
+    // Build the children
+    if ( {
+ { childPageSpec ->
+            // Do this thing, but alter the parent
+            createPage(createdPage, space, childPageSpec as Map)
+        }
+    }
+    // Add labels
+    labelTxt?.each { label ->
+        addLabel(createdPage.getId(), label)
+    }
+ * Get the content from the template to populate the page with.
+ *
+ * @param templateId The ID of the template we wish to use.
+ * @return The template body content.
+ */
+private String getTemplateContent(long templateId) {
+    PageTemplate template = pageTemplateMgr.getPageTemplate(templateId)
+    template?.getContent()
+ * Create a basic page. This is not linked in any hierarchy.
+ *
+ * @param space The space that this page belongs to.
+ * @param title The title of the page we are creating.
+ *
+ * @return The create page object.
+ */
+private Page createBasicPage(Space space, String title, String content) {
+    Page page = new Page()
+    page.setVersion(1)
+    // Set the space
+    page.setSpace(space)
+    // Set title
+    page.setTitle(title)
+    // Set the page content
+    def bodyContent = new BodyContent(page, content, BodyType.XHTML)
+    page.setBodyContent(bodyContent)
+    // Set the user calling the endpoint as the creator
+    page.setCreator(AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal.get())
+    return page
+ * Link a parent and a child page together. This method creates a bi-directional relationship between the two pages.
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent page that we wish to link.
+ * @param child The child page that we wish to link.
+ */
+private void linkPages(Page parent, Page child) {
+    // Set the parent page on the child
+    child.setParentPage(parent)
+    // Set the child page on the parent
+    parent.addChild(child)
+ * Add the label to the page for the given page ID.
+ *
+ * @param pageId The page ID for adding the label to the page.
+ * @param label The label we want to add to the page.
+ */
+private void addLabel(long pageId, String label) {
+    Page page = pageMgr.getPage(pageId)
+    (labelMgr as LabelManager).addLabel(page as Labelable, new Label(label))

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