
Clone wiki

SplineTools / EditorPathNode

The EditorPathNode script is attached to nodes that belong to a spline of type "Path".


  • Next node: The nextnode the spline needs to connect to. If this node is the last node in the spline, leave this option empty.
  • Segments: the amount of segments that the spline between the nodes is made out of. A higher nunmber results in a smoother spline. Too high numbers can have a negative effect on SplineFollowers (jittering).
  • Node rotation: determines how every splinefollower should rotate.
    • No rotation. The spline follower ignores all rotations and is purely using positioning.
    • Node rotation: The rotation of the spline follower is a lineair between the rotation of the start and the rotation of the end node. It ignores the spline bending.
    • Spline rotation: The splinefollower is alligned to the spline the spline.
  • Reverse X/Y/Z: These checboxes only apply when used in combination with a spline follower that has its rotation mode set to "Node rotation". In that mode an object rotates by default to its shortest angle. With checked, it will inverse the rotation for a specifc angle.

Reverse rotation example: In the image below the nodes use the Node rotation mode. We look at it from a topview. That means that the first node rotation is 45°, then the second node has -45° and third one is again 45°. The rotation between node 2 and 3 will do something weird. A splinefollower will simply rotate from -45° to 45°. But that results in that the splinefollower rotates in the wrong direction. So what we actually want is to rotate the splinefollower from -45° to -315° (which is 45°). If we check the ReverseY option, the rotation will go the long route, and rotate in to the right direction.

reverse rotation.png
