
Alexander Hanel Extract Stack Strings + Simple deobfuscate

Updated by Alexander Hanel

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 #TODO: calculuate the string size 
-def get_string(offset, size=0x20):
+def get_string(offset,size=0x20):
     """read string from stack, example: lea     ecx, [ebp+var_44], enter 0x44 """
-    return str(emu.mem_read(BASE_ADDRESS + STACK_OFFSET - offset, size)).replace("\x00","") 
+    read_str = str(emu.mem_read(BASE_ADDRESS + STACK_OFFSET - offset, size))
+    temp = read_str[:read_str.find("\x00\x00")]
+    read_str = temp.replace("\x00","")
+    return read_str
 def get_code():
         comment = get_string(offset)
         print "0x%x, %s" % (PrevHead(end), comment)
         MakeComm(PrevHead(end), comment)
Updated by Alexander Hanel

File Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 def get_code():
     """ read bytes from idb"""
-    start = SelStart()
-    end = SelEnd()
-    length =  end - start
-    return "".join([byte for byte in GetManyBytes( SelStart(), length)])
-data = get_code()
-emu = setup(data)
-if emu:
-        emu.emu_start(BASE_ADDRESS, BASE_ADDRESS + len(data))
-    except UcError as e:
-        print("ERROR START: %s" % e)
-    offset = AskLong(0, "Please enter stack offset")
-    print get_string(offset)
+        start = SelStart()
+        end = SelEnd()
+        length =  end - start
+        string = "".join([byte for byte in GetManyBytes( SelStart(), length)])
+        return (start, end, string)
+    except:
+        return (0,0,0)
+start,end, data = get_code()
+if start:
+    emu = setup(data)
+    if emu:
+        try:
+            emu.emu_start(BASE_ADDRESS, BASE_ADDRESS + len(data))
+        except UcError as e:
+            print("ERROR START: %s" % e)
+        offset = AskLong(0, "Please enter stack offset")
+        comment = get_string(offset)
+        print "0x%x, %s" % (PrevHead(end), comment)
+        MakeComm(PrevHead(end), comment)
Created by Alexander Hanel

File Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+from unicorn import *
+from unicorn.x86_const import *
+from capstone import *
+from capstone.x86_const import *
+BASE_ADDRESS = 0x1000000
+STACK_OFFSET = 0x200000
+def setup(code_bin):
+    """init capstone, return instance"""
+    try:
+        # Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
+        mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32)
+        # map 2MB memory for this emulation
+        mu.mem_map(BASE_ADDRESS, 8 * 1024 * 1024)
+        # write data to memory
+        mu.mem_write(BASE_ADDRESS, code_bin)
+        # initialize register for stack 
+        mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ESP, BASE_ADDRESS + STACK_OFFSET)
+        mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_EBP, BASE_ADDRESS + STACK_OFFSET)
+    except UcError as e:
+        print("ERROR SETUP:%s" % e)
+        return None
+    return mu
+#TODO: calculuate the string size 
+def get_string(offset, size=0x20):
+    """read string from stack, example: lea     ecx, [ebp+var_44], enter 0x44 """
+    return str(emu.mem_read(BASE_ADDRESS + STACK_OFFSET - offset, size)).replace("\x00","") 
+def get_code():
+    """ read bytes from idb"""
+    start = SelStart()
+    end = SelEnd()
+    length =  end - start
+    return "".join([byte for byte in GetManyBytes( SelStart(), length)])
+data = get_code()
+emu = setup(data)
+if emu:
+    try:
+        emu.emu_start(BASE_ADDRESS, BASE_ADDRESS + len(data))
+    except UcError as e:
+        print("ERROR START: %s" % e)
+    offset = AskLong(0, "Please enter stack offset")
+    print get_string(offset)

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