
Clone wiki

Sui Generis / Global Dueling

Global Dueling

Global dueling is a feature that allows two players to duel anywhere in the map. The commit for implementation of this system is available here.


What checks have been implemented?

  • The abilities to "not move" and enable "obstacles" have been disabled only whilst global dueling.
  • The two players, if walking away from the area, will still have the option to attack enabled. Also, the duelStatus integer will force the players to not lose items if they do end up in an area where items are lost upon death.
  • Patch 1 added a check for other players to not be able to attack those who are global dueling.
  • Patch 2 added a check for disabling banking whilst dueling.

Have there been any patches released for this feature?

  • Patch 1 - Not allowing other players to attack those who are in a duel.
  • Patch 2 - Not allowing players to access bank whilst dueling.
  • Patch 3 - Setting "challenge" text for both victor and loser of duel.


Demonstration of two players dueling in the middle of Edgeville.

Demonstration of two players dueling in the middle of Edgeville.
