"Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga" is missing Steam link

Issue #154 on hold
CasualGamer created an issue


The listing for “Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga“ on CheapShark seems to only show a link to the GOG release, and not Steam.

However, that version of the game is also sold on Steam (Steam bundle ID: 14169):

Please update the game’s listing on CheapShark, thank you!

Comments (5)

  1. ArmoredCavalry repo owner

    Going to kind of cover #156 and #158 here as well. Issue here is related to how Steam provides a product feed (or rather, does not). There are often problems with "bundles" or "editions" not being picked up correctly.

    This will have to be a longer / ongoing effort to fix this, so going to put issue on hold for now.

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