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XKeyBrew / Verify with Abgx

Abgx360 helps you verify the integrity of your backup copies.
If verification failed it can patch them so they becomes "stealth" (ie. not detected as copies)


  1. Download and install Abgx360 (GUI version is not required)
  2. Open XKeyBrew and go to the options dialog
  3. Fill in the path to the abgx application. By default:
    • Windows (32 bits): C:\Windows\System32\abgx360.exe
    • Windows (64 bits): C:\Windows\SysWOW64\abgx360.exe
    • MacOSX: /usr/bin/abgx360
    • Linux: {installation folder path}/abgx360
  4. Go to XKeyBrew 'Games' view and select a game
  5. Click on Abgx icon in the toolbar on the right side of the app
  6. Abgx should open and auto-start verifying your game


  • As a reminder you can flag a game as Abgx verified when editing it
    • Go to XKeyBrew 'Games' view and edit a game
    • Mark or unmark the icon at the bottom right
  • Abgx options can be passed through the XKeyBrew options dialog
    • Available options can be found by running "abgx360 --help" on command shell
    • When using Abgx360 GUI application selected options are shown at the bottom of the app
    • Suggested options for Germany are "-vpcd --af3 --rgn 00FE0000 --lang 3 --patchitanyway --patchgarbage" (without ")
