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GIDVis / Downloads


You can either download the source code (which then can be run in MATLAB) or compiled executable GIDVis versions.

Source Code

You can download the source code of the current master branch, i.e. the latest stable version, as a zip file from here. You can also download the development branch, which contains additional changes (and maybe bugs too) but documentation might not be up-to-date.

You can find the source code of the executable files provided below here.

Compiled GIDVis Downloads

Here you can find compiled GIDVis versions as *.exe files (for Windows) and *.zip files (for Linux). The date in the file name gives the compilation date. The branch compiled is always the master branch.


To run these *.exe files on Windows, you have to install the MATLAB Runtime according to the version given in the table at "MATLAB Version". The MATLAB Runtime downloads can be found here.

File Name Compiled By MATLAB Version Commits Included
GIDVis_2020_06_30.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2020_06_30
GIDVis_2019_05_10.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2019_05_10
GIDVis_2019_01_15.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2019_01_15
GIDVis_2018_10_12.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_10_12
GIDVis_2018_10_08.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_10_08
GIDVis_2018_06_25.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_06_25
GIDVis_2018_05_22.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_05_22
GIDVis_2018_01_15.exe Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_01_15


For install instructions, please refer to the readme.txt file included in the *.zip file.

File Name Compiled By MATLAB Version Commits Included Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2020_06_30 Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2019_05_10 Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2019_01_15 Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_10_12 Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_10_08 Benedikt Schrode R2017b v_2018_06_25


If you want to compile your own version of GIDVis, this is of course possible as well. The following compilation route can be recommended. Compiling requires MATLAB and the MATLAB Compiler.

Download the source code of the master branch or the development branch, if you do not have it already. In MATLAB, set the current folder to the directory containing the GIDVis.m file. Run the command addpath(genpath(pwd)) to add all the subdirectories to the MATLAB path.

In case you have already run GIDVis in MATLAB, setting files were created, storing information about selected options, entered values, window positions, ... These should not be included in a compiled version of GIDVis. To remove all setting files, run DeleteSettingsFiles.

Finally, run DeployGIDVis. This will create executable files for your operating system.
