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MeteorLoot / Configuration

MeteorLoot Configuration

Plugin Settings

Variable Description Notes
saveInterval plugin will save data every X minutes set to 0 to disable auto-saving
header header (title) sent before plugin messages set to null ('') for no header
lang file to read messages from
selectorID item ID used to create schematics currently disabled in 1.8
enabledWorlds worlds which meteors may be spawned in

Meteor Settings

Variable Description Notes
radius radius of meteor
hollow create a hollow meteor
canMine can meteor/barrier be broken by hand tnt can be used to destroy meteors of ANY block type
blocks blocks used to create meteor specify block data with ':' (ex: 35:15)
barrierBlocks blocks used to create barrier in meteor leave empty for no barrier (supports block data)

Meteor Spawn Settings

Variable Description Notes
height spawn meteors at Y if meteor fails to spawn try a lower height
minTime minimum spawn time spawn meteor no sooner than X minutes
maxTime maximum spawn time spawn meteor no later than X minutes
minBlocksFromSpawn minimum blocks from spawn spawn meteor at least X blocks from spawn
maxBlocksFromSpawn maximum blocks from spawn spawn meteor no more than X blocks from spawn
shapeCycle shape cycle of meteors meteors will spawn in corresponding cycle

Meteor Impact Settings

Variable Description Notes
timeTilRepair automatically repair all meteor damage X minutes after impact
burrowMultiplier how far meteors will burrow upon impact
broadcastNext announce when/where next meteor will land
warnIntervals intervals (minutes) for broadcastNext
sfx sounds played when meteor lands acceptable sfx: (JavaDocs)
vfx effects played when meteor lands acceptable vfx: (JavaDocs)

Meteor Explosion Settings

Variable Description Notes
radius explosion radius for impact & burrowing
fireChance chance (perBlock) to leave fire set to 0 to disable fire
blockDropChance chance (perBlock) to drop
oreToIngots turns ore to ingot (drop ore for diamond, etc) spawns ingot at highest block

Meteor Loot Settings

Variable Description Notes
minItems minimum items to be spawned in chest add no less than X items to chest
maxItems maximum items to be spawned in chest add no more than X items to chest
currencyID item ID used to physically represent currency player must use item to claim currency
items list of items eligible to be added in chest see "Loot Items Configuration" for more info
