Roundcube 1.4 beta elastic support

Issue #33 closed
Estudio Nexos created an issue

This is what is needed to work with elastic skin:

Sorry but I am not a bitbucket user, can't find how to create a pull request from my repo.

Changes are small, I attach an screenshot to show the place a found for the switcher.

Comments (11)

  1. Estudio Nexos reporter

    I think I know why, sorry my fault.

    I did not change minimized file, the one is actually using Roundcube.

    In my development setup I removed ident_switch-switch.min.js and linked ident_switch-switch.js

    rm ident_switch-switch.min.js && ln -s ident_switch-switch.js ident_switch-switch.min.js

    Before release a minified version should be regenerated.

  2. Estudio Nexos reporter

    I don't know what minification method is used.

    If somebody knows tell and I will set it up.

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