SQLite script does not work for V4

Issue #35 closed
Gergely Papp created an issue

SQLite has no working ALTER COLUMN operation. Tables must be dropped and recreated instead. Also there is an issue with the script I originally provided, so the id column is not auto assigned properly. Please update the initialization and update script as below.


CREATE TABLE ident_switch ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, iid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES identities(identity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE UNIQUE, username varchar(64), password varchar(64), imap_host varchar(64), imap_port integer CHECK(imap_port > 0 AND imap_port <= 65535), label varchar(32), flags integer NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), smtp_host varchar(64), smtp_port integer CHECK(smtp_port > 0 AND smtp_port <= 65535), UNIQUE (user_id, label) ); CREATE INDEX IX_ident_switch_user_id ON ident_switch(user_id); CREATE INDEX IX_ident_switch_iid on ident_switch(iid);



ALTER TABLE ident_switch RENAME TO ident_switch_old;

CREATE TABLE ident_switch ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES users(user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, iid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES identities(identity_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE UNIQUE, username varchar(64), password varchar(64), imap_host varchar(64), imap_port integer CHECK(imap_port > 0 AND imap_port <= 65535), label varchar(32), flags integer NOT NULL DEFAULT(0), smtp_host varchar(64), smtp_port integer CHECK(smtp_port > 0 AND smtp_port <= 65535), UNIQUE (user_id, label) );

INSERT OR ROLLBACK INTO ident_switch (id,user_id,iid,username,password,imap_host,imap_port,label,flags,smtp_host,smtp_port) SELECT id,user_id,iid,username,password,host,port,label,flags,host,port FROM ident_switch_old; DROP TABLE ident_switch_old; COMMIT; PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;

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