Connection to storage server failed on all but main account

Issue #68 closed
Louis Wevers created an issue

I just did a fresh install of ident_switch. I setup a new identity as instructed and then tried to switch to the new identity. However, when I try to switch to another account I get the follwing error:

Connection to storage server failed.

Server Error: Could not connect to tls://localhost:143: Unknown reason

Switching back to the main account works as expected. I have this issue for both accounts on the localhost as well as accounts on remote servers.

Comments (7)

  1. Adi Pircalabu

    You must’ve enabled “Secure connection (TLS)“ option in the identity configuration. I’m getting a similar error to yours and after enabling IMAP debugging in Roundcube I started getting this log message:

    Connecting to tls://tls://myhostname:143…

  2. Louis Wevers reporter

    Hello Adi,

    Yes, that seems to do the trick. Thank you. It now works for all accounts, except gmail. But that’s a google issue I guess.

  3. Adi Pircalabu

    @Louis Wevers Before disabling tls:// scheme for external hosts I’d strongly suggest you make sure STARTTLS is still being used.

  4. Louis Wevers reporter

    @Adi Pircalabu, STARTTLS is still used. The mailserver I tried with only accepts STARTTLS connections. And as I happen to manage this mailserver myself, I checked the logs to confirm that indeed connections are still secure.

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