SMTP Failure

Issue #88 closed
Tom Hinerman created an issue

I installed the ident_switch plugin on roundcube 1.4.4 and everything went well. I got e-mail from my IMAP server but sending e-mail kept failing with an “authorization failure.” I scoured the issues on here and everything that “fixed” the problem was already implemented on my version of the plugin (v 4.4.1).

I could see in my log files that it was using my default mail server rather than the remote server of the identity chosen. After following the code did I finally find the fix for it.

In ident_switch.php the section of code in the function on_smtp_connect:

\$args['smtp_host'] = $r['smtp_host'] ? $r['smtp_host'] : 'localhost'; // Default SMTP host here

should be:

\$args['smtp_server'] = $r['smtp_host'] ? $r['smtp_host'] : 'localhost'; // Default SMTP host here

The roundcube smtp_connect function is referencing it as “server” and not “host.” I made this change and I can now send e-mails.

Comments (6)

  1. Boris Gulay repo owner

    Looks like it was a mistake to accept PR #4. It would be a change only in v1.6: server to host and remove smtp_port. So I have to implement more complex logic to keep plugin work.

    Will do it this week.

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