Sonarqube 6.7 (find file attached)

Issue #142 closed
Gregoire Biette created an issue

It's Gregoire (issue with admin jobs page), I don't know why I can't go to your page with my entreprise atlassian account anymore...

I have adapted Sonarqube45 plugin to work with 6.7. I don't have writes to open a pull request. Then please find attached the file to put in mojo/lib/Alambic/Plugin/

It's working 🤞 but I don't have tested everything. (I don't feel confident enough to write unitary testing in Perl, I was confused enough between $ % @ etc. !)

I hope you had (have) great holidays and happy new year.

Comments (6)

  1. Boris Baldassari repo owner

    Hi Gregoire,

    Thanks a lot for your contributions, and a happy new year to you! I'll review the changes and write the unit tests asap.

    As for the access issue, I've added you as a user to the project -- bt this should not be needed to fork and generate a pull request. This needs to be fixed, I'll contact you privately for further testing if you don't mind.

    I'll keep you posted, and thanks again. Have a great week! :-)

  2. Boris Baldassari repo owner

    Hi Gregoire,

    Following our discussions, I've updated the plugins/cr142_sonarqube67 branch with: * new tests * new doc * minor fixes and cosmetic changes.

    The code for the plugin itself barely changed, so congrats! :-)

    You can see the diff here if you'd like.

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