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lqpl / Fedora17


  • You have the source installed in lqpl
  • You can sudo.
  • You are willing to install via rvm, because the jruby version with F17 does not work.

rvm based install

sudo yum install haskell-platform
cabal update
cabal install hspec

These three commands install the Haskell platform and install 'hspec' as a user based install. This allows compilation of the Compiler and Emulator and associated tests.

sudo yum install ant
curl -L | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

The next three lines install the java development environment along with ant via yum - at which point we are done with yum. You now install rvm and set it active in your terminal window. More information on rvm may be found at

rvm install jruby-  
cat <<EOF > ~/.jrubyrc

These lines now use rvm to install jruby. The 'cat' command creates a hidden '.jrubyrc' file in your home directory that will ensure that jruby is run in 1.9 compatibility mode. Note that jruby 1.7 will be in 1.9 compatibility mode by default.

At this point, jruby will be your 'default ruby' unless you have installed other ruby versions by rvm. To check, type 'rvm list' and jruby should be marked as your default. If not, type 'rvm --default use jruby-'.

gem install bundler
cd lqpl/GUI
bundle install
cd ..

The above commands install the ruby bundler utility and then use bundler to ensure the needed development gems are installed.

rake build:all

This will build the servers and jar file and place them in the out subdirectory. It will take a while depending on your machine.

Following two libraries are required to available in the system in order to run the program.

libffi - A portable foreign function interface library
gmp : A GNU arbitrary precision library

Install the libraries using the package manager.

yum install libffi-*
yum install gmp-*

If you come across the linker looking for specific version of the above libraries similar to below just link the existing library to consider as the required version.

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ln -s /usr/lib/  /usr/lib/
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ln -s /usr/lib/   /usr/lib/
rake run:lqpl

Execute the code! Remember example programs are in the lqplcode directory.
