
Clone wiki

xbmc.plugin.image.moebooru / Release

How to release for the official repository

This plugin is generally written to be compatible with the official repository. However, a few things need to be changed in order to fully comply with the guidelines the XBMC-team set.

Automatic build

If you are running Linux, you can simply run the script. To do this, cd into the scripts directory and enter ./ This will create a directory called release which contains the file which you can install using the XBMC-GUI.

Manual build

The icon

First of all, the icon provided when cloning the repository has a size of 512x512px. It needs to be resized to 256x256px.

Translation files

This plugin provides both, .xml and .po, files for translation. This keeps the plugin compatible with older versions of XBMC. To release for the current version, all .xml files in resources/language/ need to be removed.
