
Clone wiki

Unit Class Library / FAQ


Q: Why is this page not displayed higher on the main page?

A: This page isn't terribly helpful for the people who are interested in getting started with the library. The issues answered below won't make sense except to the people who have had experience with this type of library before. If your question isn't answered by the information on the wiki's Home Page, Continue reading. If your question isn't answered by the end of this page and all of its links, feel free to ask the question on our issues page

Q: What kinds of precision loss occurs when using this library? Couldn't I get more accurate results just doing my own conversion code?

A: Many hours have gone into the answering of this question. The short answer is: If used correctly, this library is as accurate as any unit conversion code can be and you cannot write your own conversion code that operates more accurately. For a much more complete explanation of the idea of precision in unit conversion and why how to use this library to handle those problems, read our full explanation. It is probably more of an answer than you were looking for...

Q: Why don't you start a Geometry Library built on the idea of the Distance class? Where you have a Point class and it's X, Y, and Z properties are all of type Distance instead of double? It could work in three dimensions and be a really awesome!

A: Great Idea!
