
Clone wiki

Unit Class Library / Road Map

Our current focus is on filling out the several remaining classes.

If there is a unit you think might be useful feel free to add it. Let your imagination run wild! Things like Data Storage units (byte, etc.) are just as valid as more conventional unit conversions like Distance (meters, inches, etc.).

##Future features:

  • String Parsing

An example of this being implemented can be found in the UnitsNet Project.

Distance distance = new Distance("1 in");

  • Generic Unit Class

Some kind of class that can represent any combination of units and at any number of dimensions. For example, if someone wanted to measure the rate at which a container is filled, they would require a class containing Speed and Volume, which we currently have not written. In these types of cases, it would be nice to have a class that could handle that case until such a time as we decided to implement it. Another example could be the intermediate steps of an equation where a strange combination of units exists until all of the mathematical operations are completed.

GenericUnit resultingValue = mySpeed / myVolume
  • Code Generation

Since all of the classes contain a similar structure, the only real difference is the conversion factors and units. This seems like a prime place to implement T4 Templates or equivalent process. If you look the UnitsNet Project, you can see the ways in which they have implemented this concept.
