Create second tier of ships

Issue #23 closed
Cokemonkey11 repo owner created an issue
  • Frigate: Gunship

    • DT64 Missile Array
    • Ion Cannon

      • A la dystopia
  • Battleship: Flying Fortress

  • Interceptor: Fire Ship
  • [new] Support: Tug Ship [focus is making team move faster]
  • [new] Support: Armada/Aircraft Carrier/Lurker [focus is on providing cannon fodder or something]

The implication is that there is only one smuggler-class ship. Next tiers will be other kinds of support ship.

Comments (7)

  1. Cokemonkey11 reporter

    The implication is that there is only one smuggler-class ship. Next tiers will be other kinds of support ship.

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