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Crystark's Sim

This is a free simulator for the free-to-play Heroines Fantasy. This tool will allow you to simulate battles for each and every mode of the game allowing you to greatly improve your effectiveness.

Download latest version (1.9.0 - 2019-08-11)

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What's new?


  • Features

    • Color console interface
    • Large console window. Update and use "!openwindow.bat" to launch the simulator.
    • The simulator doesn't close after first sim. Following simulations are much faster.
    • New skills Combat Intuition, Snow Curse, Phantom Sword, Blood Phantom, Kingdom Guardian, Reorganization 2
  • Bugfixes

    • Skills Homology, Silence, QS_Self-destruction, Happy Holiday
    • Runes Acheron, Shackles

You can also see the Complete changelog

Where to start ?

If you're just beginning with the sim, read through Getting Started.

Already know the basics ? You'll want to check out Advanced Deck Building

Knowing the sim isn't all. To be a good deck builder you need to know all Game Lore

So you think you're a know-it-all ? Take a look at Tips and Tricks

Playing an MRK-like game ? Check out the specific pages for Lies of Astaroth and Heroines Fantasy

What can I do ?

Simulation tool Description
Demon Invasion Simulation Sim a deck against any demon and get accurate indicators that will help you understand your deck and improve it.
Demon Trial Simulation Sim 1-3 decks against demon trial decks.
Elemental War Simulation Sim a deck against the EW Legendary decks your clan will be facing and get indicators on how effective it'll be.
Thief Simulation Thief simulation will estimate how many consecutive battles you need to do to kill a Thief giving you results for all known level 100 thieves as well as a global win ratio.
Hydra Simulation Hydra simulation gives you multiple tools so that you can build the best deck combinations to kill all hydras. It will run consecutive battles and give you insight on how much hits are needed to isolate a hydra or kill it completely.
Kingdom War Simulation KW simulation will give you insight on how much battles a deck will win before loosing one and about was caused the loss.
Arena & Versus Simulation This simulation is a global deck vs deck simulation that will allow you to sim Arena battles or FoH preparation. For each deck you'll input as an opponent you'll get an average win rate. A global win rate will be available if you input more than one versus deck.
Field of Honor Simulation FoH simulation is a one liner command that will load the FoH data of your server from EK and run a sim for each battle to give you the win chance of each participant as well as it's current odds.
Database Updater Tool The local database updater tool allows you to download the latest database from the game and use it instead of the bundled database. This is mostly useful in case new cards have been released and the sim hasn't yet been updated to use them.


This project is still under active development so there will be some bugs and not all the existing cards and abilities have been added to the default catalog.

If you encounter any issue, please report it on the issue board and please follow the simple rules that will be explained there when creating a new issue.

Here are some interesting links.


Here's the list of the people who contributed to this project either by helping me work on some part of the sim or by donating. They have all been really helpful in improving this sim. If you feel you should be mentioned and aren't, please let me know by opening an issue or contacting me directly. I do not mention people if they haven't expressed the desire to be.

  • Crystark (Equilibrium)
  • Lightja (ex-Serenity)
  • Sari (ex-Serenity)
  • Tounga (LoA)
  • ZapiQ (Equilibrium)
  • Akkey (Equilibrium)
  • Arcroa (Equilibrium)
  • §Bibby (Legacy)
  • [C] DDune (Equilibrium)
  • Hirusen (Equilibrium)
  • justinp (Equilibrium)
  • Кощей / Anton (Equilibrium)
  • Marcus (Equilibrium)
  • ncuwko (Equilibrium)
  • NightWolf (Equilibrium)
  • Recon (Equilibrium)
  • Reftamid (Skorn)
  • Sagan (Equilibrium)
  • Therai (ex-Harmony)
  • The DE Troll (Equilibrium)
  • Val (Equilibrium)
  • Dexter (ex-Serenity, Apollo)


Hi friends !

Here's a quick note on the project and why I've added the possibility to donate.

This tool has always been free and I intend to keep it that way: I believe in equal opportunity for everyone when it comes to creating decks.

The first version of this sim was released on the 25th February 2015. Development had been going on for about 6 months before that and is still going on today with new versions being released on a regular basis.

Developing this tool is a real pleasure but I won't lie to you, it takes a lot of time: there's the coding part but there's also all the research to understand every aspect of the game, including it's bugs to reproduce those as faithfully as possible and give you the most accurate results. There is also all those "surprise releases" from EK that will require an update of the sim within a really small time frame so that everyone can rapidly update their decks (new demons, new abilities...).

This is time I happily give to the community and I've had real good feedback on this tool from all players and even top players which is part of what keeps me going on.

If you find this tool useful and you use it on a regular basis, please consider donating. It's a nice and concrete way to say thank you and it will definitely be a great motivation for me to continue my regular work.

Thank you.




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License
