
Pete Matthews H801 (LIXADA) ESP8266 code for RGB control of LED strips

Created by Pete Matthews

File snippet.txt Added

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+#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
+ * This bespoke "hack" code is for the H801 (LIXADA) control module. 
+ * The H801 module is based on an ESP8266 and can drive a RGB LED strip of lights. 
+ * This code responds to HTTP commands, but it could easily be converted to respond to MQTT etc - up to you
+ * 
+ * N.B. You have to solder 6 header pins on the H801 - this is so you can connect a cheap FDTI USB for programming.
+ * N.B. You have to store your network SSID and password in the code variables *ssid and *pass (see below in code)
+ * 
+ * When all is done and the module connected and powered up, you will see a new IP (server) appear in your network. 
+ * If you access this new IP (server) with a web browser, you can control the lights as follows :
+ * To turn all three RGB outputs ON,              use
+ * To turn all three RGB outputs OFF,             use 
+ * To turn on GREEN a little bit,                 use 
+ * To turn on RED and BLUE a bit, with max GREEN, use 
+ */
+void LED_RED();
+void LED_GREEN();
+void LED_BLUE();
+void change_LED();
+int convertToInt(char upper,char lower);
+#define PWM_VALUE 63
+int gamma_table[PWM_VALUE+1] = {
+    0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
+    11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 36, 40, 44, 49, 55,
+    61, 68, 76, 85, 94, 105, 117, 131, 146, 162, 181, 202, 225, 250,
+    279, 311, 346, 386, 430, 479, 534, 595, 663, 739, 824, 918, 1023
+#define redPIN    15 //12
+#define greenPIN  13 //15
+#define bluePIN   12 //13
+// onboard green LED D1
+#define LEDPIN    5
+// onboard red LED D2
+#define LED2PIN   1
+// note 
+// TX GPIO2 @Serial1 (Serial ONE)
+// RX GPIO3 @Serial    
+#define LEDoff digitalWrite(LEDPIN,HIGH)
+#define LEDon digitalWrite(LEDPIN,LOW)
+#define LED2off digitalWrite(LED2PIN,HIGH)
+#define LED2on digitalWrite(LED2PIN,LOW)
+int led_delay_red = 0;
+int led_delay_green = 0;
+int led_delay_blue = 0;
+#define time_at_colour 1300 
+unsigned long TIME_LED_RED = 0;
+unsigned long TIME_LED_GREEN = 0;
+unsigned long TIME_LED_BLUE = 0;
+int RED_A = 0;
+int GREEN_A = 0; 
+int BLUE_A = 0;
+const char *ssid =  "Your network SSID here";
+const char *pass =  "Your network password here"; 
+// Start WiFi Server
+WiFiServer server(80);
+void setup()
+  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);  
+  pinMode(LED2PIN, OUTPUT);  
+  pinMode(redPIN, OUTPUT);
+  pinMode(greenPIN, OUTPUT);
+  pinMode(bluePIN, OUTPUT);
+  // Setup console
+  Serial1.begin(115200);
+  delay(10);
+  Serial1.println();
+  Serial1.println();
+  //client.set_callback(callback);
+  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
+  LEDon;
+  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
+    LED2off;
+    delay(500);
+    Serial1.print(".");
+    LED2on;
+  }
+  LEDoff;
+  Serial1.println("");
+  Serial1.println("WiFi connected");
+  Serial1.println("IP address: ");
+  Serial1.println(WiFi.localIP());
+  Serial1.println("");
+  server.begin();
+  Serial1.println("Webserver started");
+void loop()
+  // Check if a client has connected
+  WiFiClient client = server.available();
+  if (client) {
+      LEDon;
+      // Read the first line of the request
+      String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
+      Serial1.println(req);
+      client.flush();
+      // Prepare the response. Start with the common header:
+      String s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
+      s += "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
+      s += "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>\r\n";
+      if((req.indexOf("/rgb/") != -1)) {
+        // get RGB value
+        int pos = req.length();
+        int ind1 = req.indexOf("/rgb/") + 5;
+        String teststring = req.substring(ind1, pos);
+        int ind2 = teststring.indexOf("/");
+        String hexRGB = req.substring(ind1, ind2+ind1);
+        // convert HEX to RGB
+        hexRGB.toUpperCase();
+        char c[6];
+        hexRGB.toCharArray(c,7);
+        long r = convertToInt(c[0],c[1]); //red
+        long g = convertToInt(c[2],c[3]); //green
+        long b = convertToInt(c[4],c[5]); //blue 
+        // set value of RGB controller
+        int red = map(r,0,255,0,PWM_VALUE); 
+        red = constrain(red,0,PWM_VALUE);
+        int green = map(g,0,255,0,PWM_VALUE);
+        green = constrain(green, 0, PWM_VALUE);
+        int blue = map(b,0,255,0,PWM_VALUE);
+        blue = constrain(blue,0,PWM_VALUE);
+        RED = gamma_table[red];
+        GREEN = gamma_table[green];
+        BLUE = gamma_table[blue];
+        change_LED();
+        // confirm to client
+        s += "RGB value changed to ";
+        s += hexRGB;
+      }
+      s += "<br>"; // Go to the next line.
+      s += "Request OK!";
+      s += "</html>\n";
+      client.flush();
+      // Send the response to the client
+      client.print(s);
+      //delay(1);
+      Serial1.println("Client disconnected");
+      // The client will actually be disconnected 
+      // when the function returns and 'client' object is destroyed
+  }
+ if ((RED != RED_A) or (GREEN != GREEN_A) or (BLUE != BLUE_A)) {
+  if(millis() - TIME_LED_RED >= led_delay_red){
+    TIME_LED_RED = millis();
+    LED_RED();
+//  };
+  }else{
+  if(millis() - TIME_LED_GREEN >= led_delay_green){
+    TIME_LED_GREEN = millis();
+    LED_GREEN();
+//  };
+  }else{
+  if(millis() - TIME_LED_BLUE >= led_delay_blue){
+    TIME_LED_BLUE = millis();
+    LED_BLUE();
+//  };
+  }}};
+  delayMicroseconds(200);
+  }else{
+      LEDoff;
+// Put normal code here!!
+  }
+void change_LED()
+  int diff_red = abs(RED-RED_A);
+  if(diff_red > 0){
+    led_delay_red = time_at_colour / abs(RED-RED_A); 
+  }else{
+    led_delay_red = time_at_colour / 1023; 
+  }
+  int diff_green = abs(GREEN-GREEN_A);
+  if(diff_green > 0){
+    led_delay_green = time_at_colour / abs(GREEN-GREEN_A);
+  }else{
+    led_delay_green = time_at_colour / 1023; 
+  }
+  int diff_blue = abs(BLUE-BLUE_A);
+  if(diff_blue > 0){
+    led_delay_blue = time_at_colour / abs(BLUE-BLUE_A); 
+  }else{
+    led_delay_blue = time_at_colour / 1023; 
+  }
+void LED_RED()
+  if(RED != RED_A){
+    if(RED_A > RED) RED_A = RED_A - 1;
+    if(RED_A < RED) RED_A++;
+    analogWrite(redPIN, RED_A);
+  }
+void LED_GREEN()
+  if(GREEN != GREEN_A){
+    if(GREEN_A > GREEN) GREEN_A = GREEN_A - 1;
+    if(GREEN_A < GREEN) GREEN_A++;
+    analogWrite(greenPIN, GREEN_A);
+  }
+void LED_BLUE()
+  if(BLUE != BLUE_A){
+    if(BLUE_A > BLUE) BLUE_A = BLUE_A - 1;
+    if(BLUE_A < BLUE) BLUE_A++;
+    analogWrite(bluePIN, BLUE_A);
+  }
+int convertToInt(char upper,char lower)
+  int uVal = (int)upper;
+  int lVal = (int)lower;
+  uVal = uVal >64 ? uVal - 55 : uVal - 48;
+  uVal = uVal << 4;
+  lVal = lVal >64 ? lVal - 55 : lVal - 48;
+  return uVal + lVal;

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