
Clone wiki

Security / Anti Teleport Abuse

Anti Teleport Abuse

Anti Teleport Abuse is another original idea that I have created myself. The basis of this concept is that the system will automatically track the amount of times that a staff member teleports a player to them (and if it is the same player over and over again). You might ask why I check for this, and this can be answered by the term "ETB". The ETB (also known as Enjoy the Ban, or Custom), group go to servers and teleport users around with them (normally players) to kill people (shown in The threshold can be changed in the configuration file and can be disabled overall (it tracks the amount of times a user teleports the same user to them in a specified amount of time).

Note: Be cautious with this as it can false ban (because it does have the option to execute a command) if staff members are joking around and constantly teleporting other players to them.
