data translation error.

Issue #9 invalid
asimay created an issue


In your package, I find you directly transform degree to radius:

    msg_fix.latitude = packet->latitude * (180 / M_PI);
    msg_fix.longitude = packet->longitude * (180 / M_PI);

I think this is maybe not correct. since in NMEA format, longtitude or Latitude is ddd°mm.mmm' , not total degree。this need to change mm.mmm' to degree and then to radius.

please check. thanks!

Comments (1)

  1. Kevin Hallenbeck

    The interface to the sensor is not NMEA format. It is an arbitrary format defined by the vendor.

    The Ethernet packet from the sensor formats latitude and longitude as double precision floating point numbers, and the unit is radians:

    The ROS sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message formats latitude and longitude as double precision floating point numbers, and the unit is degrees.

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