Switch of stderr and stdout

Issue #1 resolved
smoretti created an issue

Hi Iakov
Hope everything is fine for you.

We have started using godon for the next Selectome release.

It looks stderr and stdout are reversed: iteration information goes to stdout, and more useful information goes to stderr.

Also for branch site model and H1, could you add in the output for each tested branch/node:

  • omega0
  • omega2a and omega2b
  • p0, p1 & p2a+p2b proportions
  • kappa value


Comments (5)

  1. Iakov Davydov repo owner

    Hi @smoretti , great to hear from you!

    Regarding stderr & stdout. I probably never though about this for too long 🙂 Is there any guidelines/convention/reasoning why one should be stdout and other stderr?

    Speaking about value export, I would strongly suggest using JSON export instead of parsing stdout/stderr, which could be unstable (or even change from stderr to stdout 😉 ). As far as I remember all of those parameters (perhaps transformed) are exported via JSON. Is something missing? It should be very easy to extract values from JSON using jq, python or perl.



  2. smoretti reporter

    Thanks Iakov, the JSON output looks to contain everything we need.

    About stderr/stdout: I guess all useful information should go to stdout, i.e. branch and hypothese tested, maximum likelihood, …

    Stderr should contain errors and warnings.

    But what about less useful information like iteration status? Maybe in stderr also

  3. Iakov Davydov repo owner

    reverse stdout and stderr, fixes #1

    Hopefully, no one is relying on stdout/stderr output. The correct way is to rely on JSON or trajectory outputs.

    → <<cset 8be085bace73>>

  4. Iakov Davydov repo owner

    Hi @smoretti , it should be fixed now in master.

    Could you please test if it works for you?

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