Mhx document may need to add detail for some functions.

Issue #1048 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

At first thanks, Thomas keep up-date and thanks all user who try to maintain, or report about this great add on.

Then at current I mainly use G3 figures with MHX convert. to enjoy silly animation and renders. and I just hope to add some info about MHX options which had been added.

(After all Thomas may correct my english I hope so ^^;) because MHX offer many option for all genesis generation figures, then there are some options which only used for specific generations. and user may hope to know, correct usage for each user purpose. I can not offer all function detail, but most of them are already described in Thomas blog for MHX

I only hope to add about 2 property options.

  1. mhx Panel > property >
  • Forearm Follows Hand (Left and Right): Control FK forearm twist with FK hand twist. It may be necessary to turn this off for correct FK-IK snapping.

The document said, (it have changed ) This option is only used for FK Forearm and Hand.

but actually this toggle function is used for IK too. That means

when user set it as ON (L/R)

Forearms twist bone auto rotate, when user twist Hand IK/FK by constrain.

(FK mode)

when you twist FK forearm >> hand twist as child bone of forearm

(IK mode)

when you twist IK forearms >> it not rotate forearms (nothing happen) it necessary to keep IK chain correctly

so to twist forearms, you rotate hand, then auto set Forearm twist.

when user set it as OFF (L/R)

Forearms twist bone never rotate, when user twist Hand IK/FK, and there is another difference when you rotate Forearms with IK and set this option as OFF

(FK mode )

when you twist forearms >> hand twist as child bone of forearm

(IK mode )

when you twist IK forearms >> IK hand not rotate, because IK hand is not child of Forearms. And there is no special dirver or constrain to rotate hand.

You will set pose with IK hand first, but you can still adjust Forearms twist, without change current hand rotation. it is actually important function.

Because you can only see perfect snap when change IK <> FK when you set Forearm Follows Hand OFF

When you set it as OFF , (you may need sometimes, toggle this again to confirm on and off, I suppose there is default value, so if user do not change option, blender not up-date constrain . if you need to toggle ON and OFF, you may better toggle it twice to confirm constrain changed.

Which option is best may differ by each user purpose. if you hope to see smooth forearm rotation, you may keep Forearm Follows Hand as ON

but if you need actuall snap when change IK<>FK, (and I choose this optoin)

you must set Forearms Follow hand as OFF. (I recommend it) then adjust Forearms twist and deform shape without change current IK hand rotation.


  • Toes Tarsal Parent (Left and Right): Toes are parented to the tarsal bones rather than the foot. Parenting can not be changed for linked assets.

This option is only offered for G3 (for G8 you should not use this option, because DAZ change toe rotation way with dirver.

And to use this option correctly, you may better not merge toes. when you import..keep individual toe, then covnert as MHX.

This option offer more natural (Daz rig rotation way for G3 only) deform for G3 small toes bend, when you rotate FK toe and IK toe controller, so if you hope to see more beautiful toes deform for your Figure when you bend toes by FK Toe or IK toe related bones you may choose this option.

At same time it make ease if you import footwear without foot pose for some reasons.

(I not hope to bake foot pose >> it should effect foot wear mesh deform, but use offset for animation as default high heel pose. , so import figure without foot pose it can offer more clean mesh when user set foot pose in blender == daz do not bake your foot pose for rig)

The important thing is, this option is only for G3 figure who not merge toes. then convert for MHX User who prefer to see clean deform when you bend toes and render.

Unfortunatelly there is one demerit if you use this option for G3. IK toes will rotate when you rotate foot lev.L/R >> so if you do not like it, you may merge toes >> and not use this option For G3 == it need to change toe rotate pivot postion>> you may see different toe deform from daz figure about toes.

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani


    In my opinion “Forearm Follows Hand“ should only affect ik, not fk. I mean in daz studio the user twists directly the forearm and the hand follows by parent relation. This is how it is expected to work for fk, and also fixes inconsistencies with #1169 where we have to turn off the option to load a pose. Then for ik yes the option makes sense since we don’t pose the fk forearm but the ik hand so the forearm must follow, and then we snap fk.

    Let us know.

  2. Vincent Burmeister


    first of all, since I am new here I’d like to thank Thomas and everyone contributing for this amazing add-on. I don’t want to make an overly long introduction, but I have used Blender and Diffeo a lot in the last 2 years when making 2D/3D animations for german television (short clips on historical matters mostly). So as someone who has used the mhx rig day in day out, I find it really helpful to have the “Forearm follows Hand” abillity. It feels much simpler and more natural as the hand is always leading the motion and not the forearm. So I would be very grateful if we could leave it as an option.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Hello Vincent, really nice to hear that you find the plugin useful.

    The idea that the forearm twist is controlled by the hand is not originally mine. I learned about it from the Maya literature when I was designing the first MHX rig for MakeHuman (the acronym originally stood for MakeHuman eXchange). Since it was suggested by pro riggers, I’m not going to take it away, but perhaps it could be disabled by default, since it may be unintuitive to beginners and becomes disabled when you load a daz pose.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Just to be precise, I’m not suggesting to disable the option, but to make it working only on ik, and not on fk. That’s not actually possible. With the current implementation we either turn it on both for ik and fk, or we turn it off for both.

    Having the option only for ik would make it work for ik animations, and be able to load fk poses without disabling the option.

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