Imported morph is wrong

Issue #1195 invalid
BoredBasmati created an issue

When I import the “foreskin” morph from the xy geograft the result is obviously wrong.

Just a shot in the dark: but it feels like the transformation are done in reverse, or in the wrong coordinate space



Comments (11)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I will have a look over the weekend. One thing though: the morph value at 100% is 1.0, not 100.0. It probably doesn’t matter here because the shapekey max value is 1.0, but in Blender morph and shapekeys go between 0.0 and 1.0, not 0% and 100%.

  2. BoredBasmati reporter

    I’m not at my computer rn, but i’m pretty sure this one is clamped between 0 and 100 and the meshes keeps “morphing” as I use value past 1.0. “Foreskin” is not displayed in the shapekey menu of blender unlike the others.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, now I see what happened. You saved the file with the foreskin morph turned on, which means that it was baked into the mesh. When you then load the morph in blender, it is applied twice. If you want to change the morph value in Blender, you must export the file from DS with foreskin = 0 to avoid double counting.

    There is also a small issue with intermediate values, because the foreskin morph drives the individual shapekeys with spline drivers, which the plugin only handles approximately right. But that is not the main issue here.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Are you sure that the foreskin morph = 0 at the time that the dbz file was exported? It is the dbz file that contains the baked mesh. If the duf file is changed later does not matter. Try to export the dbz file again and see what happens.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    OK, now I can reproduce the same behaviour. However, the problem still seems to be that some morphs are baked in the dbz file; not the foreskin morphs anymore, but there are other non-zero morphs. There is a command to zero all morphs for the selected item, but apparently it did not kill all xy morphs. When I import the file without morphs, i.e. with mesh fitting set to one of the unmorphed values, the foreskin morphs work as expected. But that is not an option, of course.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.3.1, diffeomorphic

    I can reproduce the issue too. This seems related to a unusual setup of the default values by the PA. That is, usually morphs come with 0% as default, then we can export and adjust to the desired values in blender. In this case the default values are not the same as the 0% values of the morphs. The daz zero command resets to the default values so it is not useful in this case. To reset all to zero by hand doesn’t seem to work either.

    In general, if the PA doesn’t provide default values for the zero morphs, I fear there’s no way we can do it in daz studio, thus we can’t export the morphs to blender. The only way is to import the unmorphed figure as Thomas reported. Usually the PAs do provide default values at zero morphs though, so this is not a issue. This particular PA doesn’t, so the morphs can’t be exported to blender.

    The workaround I found is to “eyeball“ the zero morph for the geograft, since in daz studio there’s no way to zero the geograft in this case. I set all to zero apart the penis bend to 11%. This makes the morphs work fine enough.


    1. in daz studio set all xy values to zero but the penis bend to 11%
    2. export as dbz
    3. in blender import as dbz
    4. import the xy custom morphs

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    This is a limit in the daz asset that doesn't allow to zero the morphs, so we can't export as dbz but have to use unmorphed.

    Not a bug.

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