Morphs on DB XY genital not working correctly

Issue #598 resolved
Rakete created an issue

When I import a character with the DB XY genital and try to use the foreskin morphs that comes with it, it seems to be missing some kind of correcting factor. I’ll attach some pictures that should demonstrate the problem. In DAZ the morph moves along the correct vector, where in blender it seems to follow a vector that's slightly offset to the direction of the genital, causing it to appear incorrect.

I’ve looked at the documentation and found out that it may be necessary to combine a morph with some other morph for it to apply correctly? Not entirely sure how to debug this kind of problem, and if anyone has any information about what to look at for a possible solution/cause that would be very helpful.

Comments (6)

  1. engetudouiti

    basically this add on will import and generate driver, for most of basic morphs,

    but there remain some morphs which add on can not manage.

    1. when the morph include edit bone transform = fit to edit bone position along with mesh . add on can change mesh shape or pose bone, but not adjust them.
    2. some pose bone scale morphs may cause issue, typically it is used many chain (hieralchy) bones
    3. If the morph ERC hieralchy is too complex,, maybe there remain case add on can not manage them well. and some ERC type may cause issue too.

    From see your pic, I afraid, some morphs of the product may try to set edit bone position, with pose bone. or scale ,issue.because each bone tail and next head may need to align to get clean deform. usually.

    if may be same as this topic.

    Then my advice about most of male gens,,

    1. untill import morphs, save current scene. as back up
    2. import gen morphs for those attached mesh (sometimes it is clothing, sometimes it is gen or hone etc)
    3. once import morphs, you may check (memo), which morph worked without problem.
    4. then only import those morphs which can work.

    We usually try to import all product morphs but we know we seldom need all morphs.

    At same time, for pose Gens (to use it for real scens), you actually easy change most of pose by pose bone scale, transform, you can try add winder for gen (add on offered) too.


    1. import only morphs which worked.
    2. make all bones posable = if there is morph which drive bone pose,, you need it. then you can stil lfree pose new generate bones.
    3. use import morphs when you need the deform..
    4. for posing, use real bones anytime you need.

    I may help you how to set or correct those drive morph issues, but it really need the product. then if you show link, and there is user have the product, (who know hoe to check ERC, and compare what ERC failed) they may help,, but to solve issue pefectly, it take long time.

    and as real usage,, it is good to learn how set up driver as you need, but it take long time to work all failed morphs

    Then actually I often up-load the pic which use male gens,, but I confirm, most of case,, pose bones and adjust it correctly to fit current scene actors s usually more easy than use pose controller ^^; so at least for those gen morphs, you may better not import too many morphs,

    at same time you can make any custom morph by shape keys with use blender tool, it is merit, why we import figure in blender = free edit any morph as you need.

    then you can make controller with this add on offered option. (actually about those custom morphs, I may use more my private hand made morphs, without save for DS, but for import character, keep use this product offer slider. So if you have difficulity to set up shape keys, then generate UI slider with this add on I can help easy.

  2. Rakete reporter

    @engetudouiti Thanks for the explaination. It seems like this could quite difficult to get right, so I think I will just not use those morphs in blender for now. My main goal currently is to animate/pose in blender and then render in daz. so I think I can live without morphs in blender. Also seems like morphs can’t really be animated in blender unlesss converted to shape keys? And then bringing those animated morphs back into daz might be an additional challenge.

    The product with the morphs is this: (hope linking that here is fine?). I may go back to this issue eventually and try to fix the import by setting up drivers, but for now I first want to get animations and posing working.

  3. engetudouiti

    Add on can manage many pose controller type morphs (which pose bone) usually. + still offer free bone posing.

    But to make it work add on need to add new bone hieralchy. then I suppose when pose controller change chain bone scale,, for tail or gen or tentacles, there may be case it not work well.. or may need to set each bone setting carefully,,

    (eg in blneder we set bone inherit scale type,, then when add new bones in one rig hieralchy (which user pose manually) , set scale as same as daz may not easy..

    if the product pose controllers just rotate bones, it should work.. and I could import hair tail morphs which pose bone + add shape key type morphs.

    When you check the product gen bones with apply morphs in daz studio,, (visible all bones, then apply those morph for gen)

    and compare it, Could you confirm difference about bone pos ? (eg,, each bone head and tail locate correctly in daz with apply morphs)

    If really solve this issue,, we need to check ERC formula of those morphs, and compare dirver expression in blender, and may need to check how the rig bone hieralchy is generated and bone relation setting,,…then even though find reason,, there should be case after all it is really difficult to make it work.. (eg the morph adjust edit bones pos with posing, etc)

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    This is rather old now. Thomas added erc morphs so this should be fixed please mark as resolved.

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