May I suggest adding the functionality of new add-on I created to diffeomorphic

Issue #1283 resolved
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

You could just have the code if it improves diffeomorphic… in my promo video at this link… there's an example of me using it on a house that I brought into blender with diffeomorphic and shows how nice, with one click it makes the scene look in solid mode…. if you wanna have a read of my add-ons introduction and maybe think about adding the functionality to diffeomorphic that would be cool… because then whenever you bring in a character or a house or a scene to blender and you're in solid mode it would automatically look nice … if you incorporated my add-ons functionality and made it automatic otherwise you could give the option to you know activate my add on within diffeomorphic and then the whole scene in solid mode would look nice… it's just a really good idea to improve diffeomorphic because diffeomorphic is perfect but this is one thing that will make it even better… that would even be cool to get like a contribution credit on diffeomorphic somewhere… my add-on is attached… then it would look so nice you could maybe even talk to daz about partnering with them making diffeomorphic the new daz to blender cause you can't do a lot of the stuff that diffeomorphic with daz to blender they would probably throw you some money and because that would pimp the 3D animation program that does all this amazing stuff for us …DAZ STUDIO….take care!!

Comments (36)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you for pointing this out.

    Yes the texture mode displays the last active node, that comes in handy for checking different textures in the viewport, but setting diffuse as default is certainly what’s expected. Incidentally this seems to work fine already with my dark storm example above, that is, the diffuse nodes are the active ones on import.

    So, @Thomas if this is not done already it would be useful to set the diffuse nodes as active on import for the solid texture mode to work fine, and also have a tool to quickly reset all the materials in case the user messed them up for any reason, as suggested by Bony.

  2. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    So does this mean my code/idea is being implemented into DIFFEOMORPHIC?…aka the BEST THING EVER!!…if so (😆😆😆😆😆)

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The plugin tried to make the diffuse texture active before, but the code was not waterproof and in some cases it didn’t. It should work better now. The diffuse texture node is made active if there is one, otherwise the diffuse or principled node is made active. All other nodes are disabled.

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK so I could download the latest development build and this new code will be implemented??… if so thank you diffeomorphic is such an amazing addon…. You essentially created a whole brand new software it's not daz studio or blender it's now daz and blender !I'm making a whole tutorial series called “Creating a Sitcom in Blender” …where…leverage your plugin and DAZ & Blender to make it possible for one person to create a sitcom by themselves… I'm gonna be talking you guys up all the time! Thanks for your help…. And I like to throw helpful advice but DAZ is a corporation you should get them to buy you out like they did with Mark Zuckerberg…YOUR WAY BETTER THAN DAZ TO BLENDER!

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    You know a little bit more helpful advice when you're in there editing your character you're gonna be clicking on all sorts of stuff oh you know you're gonna click a normal map here and then a roughness map here or just accidentally click off a node weird and then eventually your character's gonna look like crap you know but the the way my add-on works anytime you click the button it acts as a second solid mode button it takes you into solid mode but you're in solid “TEXTURE“ mode… with texture enabled in shader properties….. and it makes the diffuse image texture that's plugged into diffuse BDSF or principled BDSF active…. every time…… so anytime you want you can “heal” your scene…. By going into solid mode via my button…. that would be even better if you implemented that… could just put a little button like right there at the top under easy import DAZ that says “refresh scene” …of course… could just have my code… you guys rock!….otherwise sometime along the process you're gonna have to go through your character…. if you want to really get your hands dirty and have fun playing with it …..and select the active node for all those materials on your clothes your hair face body eye… everything

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Personally I agree a “Diffuse as Active“ button would be handy for the solid mode. Or directly the “Solid Viewport“ tool as suggested by Bony. @Thomas let us know if you’re not interested so we’ll mark mark as resolved anyway since the main fix is there.

    • tool: “Diffuse as Active“
    • tooltip: “Make all the diffuse nodes in the scene active for the solid viewport shading.“
    • location: Materials panel

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I tested to import a large architecture scene and switch to material preview. Indeed only some of the surfaces where textured, but that seems to be due to some memory issues, because I got an error that starts with

    ERROR (gpu.shader): GPU_material_compile Linking:
          | Fragment info
          | -------------
          | Internal error: assembly compile error for fragment shader at offset 178
          | -- error message --
          | line 67311, column 1:  error: too many instructions
          | -- internal assembly text --
          | !!NVfp5.0
          | OPTION NV_gpu_program_fp64;

    To reduce this problem I changed the Merge Materials button so materials from different meshes can also be identified. The idea is that if the number of materials in the scene is reduced, there should be fewer shaders to compile and the error above should be less frequent.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    The material preview is another thing. We’re talking of the solid mode with texture color as shown in my image above. You can also choose matcap light for a faster preview.

    The difference is that material preview uses eevee to get a complete rendering of the material. While the solid mode uses opengl to get a material approximation, basically diffuse and specular, so it’s faster for the viewport. The texture color requires the diffuse nodes to be active to show the diffuse texture.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    note. As for the new merge materials methods it’s a bit confusing in my opinion. Actually there’s no difference between “replace” and “merge”, in that the materials are always to be merged. The difference is if we want to merge locally by object or globally by the whole scene. Unless I miss something.

    merge method:

    • local by object: merge identical materials for each object (old option)
    • global by scene: merge identical materials for the whole scene (new option)

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The options are confusing because the same tool tried to do two different things. It is now replaced by two tools:

    • Combine Materials: Replace materials that are identical with the same material. Enabled in easy import to reduce the total number of materials.
    • Merge Material Slots. Merge slots with the same material. Disabled in easy import so other tools that depend on material index still work.

    The old behaviour is reproduced by running both tools on a single mesh.

  11. Alessandro Padovani

    Uh may be I understand now .. That is, “combine” is to join the material slots having the same material name and the same material attributes, intended to be used for the whole scene. While “merge” is to join the material slots having different material names but the same material attributes, intended to be used within a object.

    Please note that in daz studio the material names are relative to the object, while in blender they are global to the scene. That is why when we import two G8F in blender we get “Torso-2” and “Torso-3” for example, while in daz studio it’s just “Torso“ for the two figures.

    I believe your description is confusing because “material“ and “material slot“ refers to the same thing, the difference is between “combine“ and “merge“. Also it is not clear if “merge materials” may work across different objects that would make little sense anyway, because we want to keep the daz materials with different names in different objects as different, even if they have the same attributes. So if I may suggest a better description including the scope.

    merge method:

    • combine materials by scene: join material slots with the same material name and the same material attributes for the whole scene
    • merge materials by object: join material slots with different material names but the same material attributes within a object


    For some reason “combine materials“ only works across figures if I select “ignore bump strength“, otherwise the materials are not merged.


    1. Import the test scene materials.duf, it’s 2x G8F with same material names and attributes, and 2x cubes with same material names and attributes.
    2. select all meshes (select > all by type > mesh) and “combine materials“ without “ignore bump strength“, the figure materials are not joined.

    suggestion: it may be handy if the tools work on the whole scene when nothing is selected. That is, “combine materials“ takes all the meshes in the scene and operates across objects. While “merge materials“ takes all the meshes in the scene and operates within each object.

    note. Please note that the operator order is significant. That is, if we first combine then merge we may get a different result than first merge then combine. Probably the “right” order is to first merge then combine.

    note. There’s an option “reuse materials“ in the global settings, that may be removed at this point since we have “combine materials“ that does the same.

  12. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas also let us know if you agree for the “Diffuse as Active“ or “Solid Viewport“ tool as explained above, that would be handy for the solid mode.

  13. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Merge Material is back as it was before. Combine Materials has been renamed to Combine Scene Materials and works on all visible meshes in the scene, independent on selection.

    The Ignore Bump Strength option works as intended. The bump distance depends on the material area and differs between the two meshes. Why it differs is another matter, a mere translation should not affect the calculation of the area.

  14. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter


  15. Alessandro Padovani

    @Bony LOL thank you for pointing out the solid mode. Indeed Thomas is very open minded to the suggestions of the daz community when they make sense, thus diffeomorphic grown "with the people for the people".

    bump bug.

    @Thomas Yes there must be a bug in the bump computation. The bump is the same in daz studio, but as you noted the bump distance for the two figures is different in blender, for example the "Torso" is 2 mm for the figure at zero location and 6.24 mm for the translated figure. Let us know if you can nail it.

    diffuse bug.

    As for commit e1881ee, apart the bump bug, “activate diffuse” doesn’t seem to work. That is, it only works for the currently selected object, while it should work for the whole scene.


    1. import the test scene materials.duf
    2. go to solid textured mode and change some active textures to specular for example, so the viewport shows the specular texture instead of diffuse
    3. activate diffuse

    note. Again, unless I miss something, “reuse materials“ in the global settings could be removed since “combine materials“ does the same.

  16. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Changes implemented in last commit. I moved the Combine Scene Materials button to the advanced material panel and disabled it by default in easy import, to make it less prominent.

  17. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you Thomas, commit b256e61 works fine apart the bump bug. Will leave this open until you nail it. May it be you use some sort of “bounding box” to approximate the surface area, that’s centered on zero ?

  18. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani TYSM…happy to help in any way I can… Just looking at the Complexity of the messages you've been sending out back-and-forth on this post I could tell your real professionals…can wait til the Dev is the LTS… I was so glad you guys are still updating this when I didn't think you were I was still happy but now I'm ecstatic

  19. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    regarding this

    As for commit e1881ee, apart the bump bug, “activate diffuse” doesn’t seem to work. That is, it only works for the currently selected object, while it should work for the whole scene.

    Remember you could just have my code i got it to work on the whole scene…

  20. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The last commit is b256e61.

    Uh. Now I see that the commit message is confused. Combine Scene Materials was moved to the advanced panel, Activate Diffuse works on all meshes.

  21. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The bump bug should be gone now. When there are two meshes of the same type - G8F in this case - only the materials of the second mesh were fixed.

  22. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Another idea for an update is file picker in global settings in blender.... for under add content directory would be great... Here's a thought isn't the content directory information embedded somewhere in DUF file wouldn't it be great if you could parse like the headline of a DUF file on import and just grab the content directory path I don't know if that would work on a compressed file but you could instruct users of diffeomorphic to just select in DAZ options not to compress the file for that to work.... You can always add something to your Setup Menu Script ......that u add to daz when you install Diffeomorphic... Like just script the ticking of that setting to off when you set up your menus.... Then add that to the install instructions for diffeomorphic that you must set up menus then that's better because you don't have to wait three months then notice the setup menu files later ... After scrolling to your scripts folder for three months .like i did....Not sure if the content directory is in the header or if there even is a header in a duf... but just trying to allude to something I'm kinda new to ....By the way thanks for DIFFEOMORPHIC 1.6.2 that is documented via a Wiki....I'm actually in Heaven right now if you could believe it!!!...

  23. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I know this might seem like a dumb question but I'm covering all bases I just had to update my addon so it iterated into the group nodes… I was changing a few settings and one of my models had a group node that was connected to the base color input of a diffused BDSF and that is of course when I selected BDSF and global settings… and my add on didn't iterate through that group node and set the internal image texture the internal diffuse image texture as the active node Now it does and I just wanted to make sure yours did too…

  24. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    also updating my add on really soon to iterate through the BDSF cycles group nodes in DIFFEOMorphic 1.6.2 because I notice those are different than 1.6.1

  25. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Is there any way to get the eyes to show good in solid mode with the activate diffuse image texture node function that you added… i've been playing with materials and I can't really figure it yet

  26. Alessandro Padovani

    Please open new issues in a separate discussion, so we keep the tracker clean. For generic help it is better to ask at the daz forum, the tracker is to report bugs.

  27. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I got my tutorial video for Super Solid Mode version 4.3.3 up on Blender Market so you could see how much more awesome it is…

    the auto-mode…and its interactivity with Extreme PBR…makes using Diffeomorphic way better….ie



    A 118,000 FACE GENESIS 8(sbh of course), who is standing NEXT TO A BADASS HIGH-POLY CHOPPER…in front of a BIG ASS MANSION with almost 2 MILLION FACES….(BOOM, drop the mic…)…and you can use my code if it improves DIFFEOMORPHIC😆'I love my morning coffee

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