OKAY I updated my add on with more functionality that I think diffeomorphic should have...auto mode for "activate diffuse"

Issue #1342 duplicate
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I made this video about it to make it more precise https://drive.google.com/file/d/13aq_t19aY8XWRU-wNNPRTCnJ2n2SdhOf/view?usp=sharing the add-ons is attached v4.3.3 I just made the video this time but let me know if it be better if I wrote something down in the comments as well… and I marked as enhancement major because I think this would be really really cool… if that's wrong I'll just stick to using minor unless I find a major bug or something which I doubt… happy New year

Comments (4)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    attached the add on if you wanna see how I have the code designed my programmer said it was really light it's only a few lines of code

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    To reset materials for solid mode you go to advanced setup > materials > activate diffuse.

    To make it automatic when you import a new asset in the scene may not be what the user wants, I mean if you change a texture it's probably because you want to see it. If there’s nothing to add I’ll mark as invalid since this is not a bug nor an enhancement the functionality is already there. Unless I miss something.

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    In my add on preferences there is an automatic mode toggle where you can toggle it off

    I could always add it to the left of my button that activates my add on on the top right of the Blender interface so it's easy to toggle off...

    You could always place a toggle off button where my button is on my add on is, if you're gonna leave your activate diffuse where it is

    Activate Diffuse is kind of hard to access where it is currently... If you want to appreciate that functionality fully... It's not really a big deal to step outside the bounds if the n panel if you wanted to update diffeomorphic to be more user friendly and place your button where mine is... To use activate diffuse constantly makes for a very awesome experience in Blender...ie Your solid mode view port always looks nice... You could place it at the top of the diffeomorphic panel right under that version number!... Cause I don't know about anybody else but my diffeomorphic panel is always open...

    that's why I made my version of Activate Diffuse automatic so whenever I import any kind of model FBX OBJ DIFFEOMORPHIC even images as planes it activates diffuse automatically

    Either way if these don't suffice I'll keep on playing with my add on and as I figure out things to make mine more user friendly I'll make updates and report back what I find to see If they meet your criteria...

    I like using extreme PBR in conjunction with DIFFEOMORPHIC because DAZ MODELS are so beautiful but every once in a while I'll find one texture I'd like to update... I've made it so my add on also automatically activates diffuse when I add a texture with extreme PBR so when you texture something with Extreme PBR your solid mode viewport will look nice When you get back to it... Then if you work on big scenes like I do you could texture your model and with confidence go back to solid mode and animate and it will be really fun... more fun than if you've hidden all your collections to animate in Material Preview....cuz there is a BG to your Anim

    in summary...I really like this functionality you could always add an automatic toggle to the left of your activate diffuse button and just let users decide... It works well with my workflow and I work on huge scenes

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