Some assets were not found. Check that all DAZ root paths have been set up correctly.

Issue #1359 invalid
tegar hardiansyah created an issue

when I installed everything it looks like this, I used import_daz, below is my root path, you can also see Could not write to E:\Users\meryz\Documents\daz_importer_errors.txt, please help me

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The three paths at the lower left should probably be on C: rather than E:. That explains why the plugin cannot write to daz_importer_errors.txt, but not why the assets are not found in the first place. Perhaps the missing assets are located in a cloud directory. Make sure that Load Cloud Directories are enabled when you load root paths. It was disabled by default until some time ago. up the DAZ root paths

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    You have to check that the folders are the same as daz studio, “load root path” should do it for you as Thomas explained. In daz studio go to edit > preferences > content > content directory manager to check. You can also show here your daz settings for us to look at. Below are mine for example.

    Also tell us your specs: os, daz studio, blender and plugin versions, and your os language settings if different than english. And how you do install your assets, if it’s manual install or dim or connect.

    Of course I suppose that daz studio works fine. Do the assets load in daz studio ? Because if not then they will not work in blender too.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    This is a bug tracker not a support service. If you mean that the error was on your side then I’ll mark as invalid. If you mean that “load root path“ didn’t work and you fixed it manually then it’s not resolved and you should keep this open for Thomas to look at.

    Let us know or I’ll mark as invalid. Thank you.

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