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import_daz / Install / Setting up the DAZ root paths

Setting up the DAZ root paths

Before we can start to import DAZ files, we must make sure that the DAZ root paths are the same as in DAZ Studio. To this end, press the Global Settings button to open the settings dialog.


The most important settings are the DAZ root paths to the left. They are divided into three categories: content directories, MDL directories, and cloud directories. It is absolutely necessary that the root paths are the same as in DAZ Studio, because otherwise the DAZ Importer will not find your assets.

The default root paths may work in Windows if you have installed DAZ Studio with the default settings. However, if you use non-standard locations for your assets, or access assets over the web, or use a Mac, these settings will not be right. To fix that, press the Load Root Paths button.


In the file selector, find the file with the root paths that you save in DAZ Studio before. The options to the right you can choose which types of content directories you want to load. Normally all three types should be loaded, but if you have a lot of cloud directories that you know that you never uses you might want to uncheck those.


And now when the root directories are the same as in DAZ Studio, we can actually start importing DAZ files.
