Merge Geografts creates freakout vertices around borders.

Issue #1394 invalid
Peter Lai created an issue

The graft is HD nipple 2.0. Only the right side has this issue. It seems the script has treated the vertices around nipples as border vertices and move them from the nipple to the border. Is it the scripting issue? Not sure. But so far, this is the only geograft that has this weird issue. Others are fine.

Comments (20)

  1. Peter Lai reporter

    More details:
    If I select graft vertex group, and hide those vertices, it seems fine. It’s those vertices causing the issue.

    And no, I remove all SUBSURF modifiers from all meshes and the dbz file is exported as standard to blender instead of hd to blender. The graft and G81F mesh are totally fine before merging.

    Also, I made a second hd nipple 2.0 mesh more optimized version of it and reduced a little bit quads. And I can’t merged them. Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.4\scripts\addons\import_daz\", line 213, in execute
    File "C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.4\scripts\addons\import_daz\", line 142, in run
    self.mergeGeografts(context, ncverts, cob, grafts[ncverts])
    File "C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.4\scripts\addons\import_daz\", line 174, in mergeGeografts
    self.moveGraftVerts(aob, cob)
    File "C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.4\scripts\addons\import_daz\", line 507, in moveGraftVerts
    avert = averts[pair.a]
    IndexError: bpy_prop_collection[index]: index 4228 out of range, size 4216

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You cannot edit the geograft before merging it to the body. Information about which vertex pairs should be welded is stored in a custom property, and that information becomes corrupt if you edit some of the meshes and change vertex numbers.

    Also, if you want to merge several geografts (e.g. two nipples) they have to be merged at the same time, because the first merge changes vertex numbers.

  3. Peter Lai reporter

    Okay, it looks like I have to do it manually if I have to use my own version of hd nipple 2.0.

    Yes, I am aware of that.

  4. Peter Lai reporter

    About the original hd nipple 2.0, I tried matching the uv and shape from the graft to G81F mesh completely. The problem still stands.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    If you intend to use the Merge Geograft tool, you cannot edit either mesh in any way, because that would change vertex indices. You can of course use Blender’s native tools (delete vertices and remove duplicates), but that has nothing to do with this plugin.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I ran the Advanced Setup > Mesh > Create Graft Groups to visualize the grafting information. The mask and graft groups for the body look ok, but the graft group for the breasts only involves the left half. Perhaps you modelled the geograft with a mirror modifier and forget to symmetrize the graft info, however that is made.

  7. Peter Lai reporter

    This is a product from NGV8’s author. I see the problem now. Corrected that graft vertex group of the breast and merge again. Problem still exists. How to solve it?

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.4.1, diffeomorphic

    HD nipples is not a HD geograft the term HD in this case is used incorreclty. You can just export it as a normal geograft. Unless you use a HD figure in this case enter the geometry editor but you don’t need to subdivide the geograft since it’s not HD it can be base resolution.

    Anyway I tried the HD nipples with Victoria 8.1 HD and don’t get any issue so perhaps you’re using a corrupted file. Test scene included v81hd-nip.duf it’s Victoria 8.1 HD with HD nipples 2.0. Works perfectly here.


    1. in daz studio enter the geometry editor and export HD
    2. import in blender and merge rigs
    3. merge geografts

    note. I tried to sculpt the nipples before merging and didn’t have any issue. Of course you can’t add/delete geometry otherwise merge will not work. Perhaps this is the issue with your file if you modified the geometry. This is also what Thomas already explained.

  9. Peter Lai reporter

    Enter the geometry editor and export again works for me now. But I wonder if is possible to fix it in Blender directly. I want to use my own version of nipple graft to use the add vertex table function of merging geografts to import morph. Can’t seem to find any custom property in object property or object data property panel. Where is it stored?

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    No it’s not possible, because if you change the geometry then the vertex order is changed and you can’t use the merge tool anymore. You can of course first merge then change the geometry. Or merge by hand in edit mode with merge by distance if you prepare the mesh first.

    If there’s nothing to add please close as invalid.

  11. Peter Lai reporter

    If I import my own version of graft to daz studio and export it to blender, will it work?

  12. Peter Lai reporter

    Thank you for you guys' support. This addon is amazing! I would like to make some request.

    -Add delete morph and delete all morph option.
    You can now delete standard morph in 1.62 which is great. But it lacks the option to delete some custom morph or delete all morph.
    -Make Convert to MHX or Rigify compatible even if you pressed Change Prefix to Suffix button.
    -Update the Offline Documentation. It’s out of date.
    Documentation as a zip file

    One more question, how do you get the eyeslashes or eyes tear or hair to move to correct position when you load and use head morph in blender to mimic the behavior in daz studio?

  13. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Morphs are implemented as a complex web of drivers, and it is quite difficult to remove a single morphs. What you can do is to remove entire categories of custom morphs; the button is called Remove Categories. To delete all morphs you can use the button Remove All Drivers. That leaves shapekeys behind, but those can be removed with the standard tool in the menu next to the shape keys box.

    The documentation is moving to the Bitbucket wiki, That is the most updated version, and some day I should complete the update for version 1.7. Using a wiki and a markup language makes it much easier to maintain the docs, but unfortunately I haven’t figured out how to generate a pdf file from it. Not just a single page, but something that converts the entire wiki to a single pdf. Anybody knows how to do that?

    Shapekeys need to be transferred to other meshes after they have been loaded to the main mesh. That should happen automatically when you import facial expressions (to brows and lashes, not to hair), but other morphs must be transferred manually with the Transfer Shapekeys tool. Shapekeys.

  14. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Mhx and Rigify expects that the bones have the original daz names, and it is not worth the effort to make it recognize the suffix forms of the names too. However, I added a new button Advanced Panel > Rigging > Change Suffix To Prefix that restores the original daz names, so you can convert to mhx or rigify.

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