Blender crash on import of some character materials in Extended Principled/BSDF

Issue #1413 resolved
Noel Lang created an issue

Daz Studio 4.21.05 | Blender 3.3.3 | Diffeomorphic | Windows 10

'Prune node tree' in Global Settings causes Blender crash in import of some character materials when material method is set to ‘Extended Principled’ or ‘BSDF’.

Nearly every single character I have created crashes on import unless I set material method to ‘Single Principled’ or disable ‘Prune node tree’ in Global Settings. This issue is not present in 1.6.1 or 1.6.2.

I have attached a .duf scene file with a default G8.1F with the material applied and textures removed. I have also attached the blender crash report, no diffeomorphic crash report is generated. I have tested on two separate machines, the second being one with a new install of Daz and Blender with only bare bones default content.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Generate .dbz file for TEST10.duf
  2. Import into Blender using ‘Extended Principled' or ‘BSDF’ as the material method with 'Prune node tree’ enabled in Global Settings.
  3. Blender crashes.

Work arounds:

  • Disable ‘Prune node tree’ in Global Settings or,
  • Import using ‘Single Principled’ or,
  • Import using versions 1.6.1/1.6.2

Comments (15)

  1. Noel Lang reporter

    Interestingly, after further testing, BSDF crashed 8 out of the 10 times I tried. So it doesn’t seem to be completely consistent.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    You may have texture resizing for eevee, see #1338. Actually 3.4.1 is rather unstable it’s better to use 3.3.3 for production, or get a daily build with the latest fixes.

  3. Alessandro Padovani


    It seems it’s not the materials. If I unparent the eyelashes and tear in your TEST10 scene then everything works fine. Did you do something “strange“ or used external plugins or modified the duf file yourself in the test scene ?

  4. Noel Lang reporter

    Switching to 3.3.3 allowed me to load in the test file I provided (TEST10.duf). But, unfortunately even in 3.3.3, Blender still crashes with my full character imports. I have attached another test file (TEST8.duf) that crashes 3.3.3.

    I have done some further testing as well. If I unparent everything from the character, it does work as you say.

  5. Noel Lang reporter


    Applying G8F default materials to TEST8 and TEST10, keeping everything still parented allows me to load in the scene with both 3.3.3 and 3.4.1, so it seems materials are tied to this crash in some way?

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    You didn’t reply to my questions. How did you do the test scene ? Please exact steps so we can replicate it.

  7. Noel Lang reporter

    No external plugins, I never edited the .duf manually. What I did was, I saved the materials from one of my full character files that was crashing (attached below) and applied it onto a default G8.1F character and then imported the scene as mentioned in my original post. Then before sharing the file, I made sure to remove all the textures.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    update. solution for Thomas to check.

    daz studio, blender 3.4.1, diffeomorphic

    Ok I believe I got it. The issue seems to be the prune in the global settings. If I uncheck “prune node tree“ then the test scene loads fine.

    Odd thing is, if I then prune the materials with “prune node trees“ in advanced setup > materials, it works fine and doesn’t crash. So I wonder if “prune node tree“ for some reason must be called last when we load a scene.

  9. Noel Lang reporter

    Daz Studio 4.21.05 | Blender 3.3.3 | Diffeomorphic | Windows 10
    Disabling ‘Prune Node Tree’ in Global Settings suggested by@Alessandro Padovani also prevents the crash in the test scene and all my character files.

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