renaming the DAZ tab

Issue #144 closed
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

Thomas this is just because I’m not sure you got it in #136 since there’s no reply on this so it’s copied here. It may also be an “improper” use of the daz company name. Please let us know what you plan so I’ll close this discussion anyway.

Now that daz has its own official importer may be it’s more polite to rename the diffeomorphic tab to “Diffeomorphic” rather than “DAZ”, that’s very minor of course I just felt the need to point this out.

edit. May be also renaming the “DAZ” prefix in custom groups with “DIF”.

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I was busy rewriting the global settings code so they are no longer overwritten by Blender’s start-up file. That was a lot more interesting than this sort of crap. Anyway, the tab name has been changed to DAZ Importer. This was what the tab was called originally, and since the plug-in has been around since 2016 I think this is a quite established name.

    If DAZ complains about something I will of course comply, but unless they do I will leave the rest as it is. I doubt that they really care all that much about Blender. Last year I spoke to somebody at DAZ and learned that their business is selling content rather than software, so they should benefit if my plug-in makes the Blender community more interested in DAZ content. We will see.

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Thank you Thomas for your reply I wanted to be sure to point this out to you just in case. I agree from a technical point of view this is not an interesting issue.

    p.s. in the daz forum we all call the plugin diffeomorphic, or diffeo for short.

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