FACS panel sliders not driven by FACS expressions

Issue #1554 invalid
Alejandro Huerga created an issue

Hello my friends, I noticed that if you move sliders on FACS expressions panels, it just affect the shapekeys, but not the FACS drivers. I think there should be an option to let the expressions to drive the sliders on the FACS panels, because this is useful to work with normal maps for specific face areas. Can you please add this option in case its not already?

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A slider in DS can both be driven by other sliders and changed independently. To emulate that behaviour in Blender we need two properties, which I (other rather Engetudouiti) call raw and final properties. If you enable Show Final Morph Values in the global settings you can see that the final properties indeed change with the facs expressions. See https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/2021/05/on-raw-and-final-slider-values.html for more info.

  2. Alejandro Huerga reporter

    Thanks so much! I’m trying to emulate HD wrinkles for each expression. Do you have any updates about that?

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