I got my activate diffuse feature to a new level I got a genius programmer that figured it out way better for group nodes

Issue #1571 duplicate
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

Would you like if I sent you the code and then you could make it a tickable option in your preferences and then users of your add-on would be able to have the activate diffuse feature on all objects in their scene…

and then if you do like its functionality and use it if a customer sends you a issue like it doesn't work on a certain group node then you could just send it to me I'll update it and send you the code… if that sounds like a pleasing option know I would like to just improve diffeomorphic first so you don't even have to do this but if you wanted to it would be cool if you wrote maybe somewhere on the diffeomorphic download page saying like “Activate Diffuse feature provided by Super Solid Mode!….

Note: Mine is automatic so I can send you the automatic code as well that automates it or you could just have yours run with a button…

Note this activate diffuse feature and I'm sending you doesn't rely on node names like your daz node names or the extreme PBR node names that it used to rely on either or the Polygon node names but it works with all these items just the same as well as node wrangler and URBANAIC node setups and group nodes respectively…. so it's easily upgradable if there's ever an error iterating through a group node….

And in a update coming soon i will add the ability to choose node type so you can say select normal map from a drop down and click the button… and then show normal maps on all objects in your scene, helping you visualize your creations in a new light. Same with bump map roughness maps… smoothness map might be able to get a more intuitive understanding of how these maps work if all objects in your scene are covered with them….

So either way I'm the biggest diffeomorphic fan and anyway I can contribute a is a blessing… remember you won't have to do anything I'll take care of the updates and you could just send issue requests to me it would just strengthen this functionality in my own add-on… I know after looking at the code because you guys are genius programmers you could figure it out and update yourself but if you send it to me then I could update the functionality across the board for everybody that accepts this idea and then you won't have to do anything … and just to note because I also sent this proposal to extreme PBR creator Andrew D because this is the reason why he included me in his list of top add-ons in his HDRI Maker preferences… that I will implement features so that if both our add-ons are being used at the same time they won't bump into each other….

Take care and have a Terrific Thursday!🙂

Comments (8)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    And I'm so sorry I listed it as bug major right when I click the button I noticed that it said that and could do nothing about it

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you for your kind offer. Your enthusiasm is appreciated.

    Personally I believe the actual “Activate Diffuse“ tool is good and I don’t understand exactly how you suppose to improve it. Also because the solid texture mode is based on opengl thus it’s limited anyway, it can’t replace the material preview based on eevee. So in my opinion you give too much importance to the solid mode, I mean, that’s intended just as a fast preview for animation, not to correctly preview materials.

    But of course Thomas may have a different opinion.

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Thanks for your prompt reply ….. It's just that I feel that having the ability to make solid mode more is important ….my activate diffuse I made …works on all objects so diffeomorphic … if you wanted to use my feature can improve the overall usability of blender is what I meant… … it can also be easily edited to show all normal maps or bump maps which could help in designing a scene maybe ….when you're using blender and then when you're animating in solid mode you could animate quicker without going back and forth to check your animation against the background to make sure it works with the design of the background…. And bottom line it's beautiful to have all your color materials showing solid mode when you mean them to

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Oh and just so u know not saying you guys aren't awesome but I've been searching everywhere for an awesome programmer and this guy is a savant that wrote this nobody's been able to like come close to this guy… not saying you guys aren't awesome though because you created the absolute best thing ever in the entire world

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I would say except for women but you seem to have incorporated that into your add-on too

  6. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I mean come on for Blender users not in the know …Diffeomorphic IS “where all the girls be at?”

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