Can not import morphs any more. (related with #156 #158)

Issue #159 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

There seems some new problems occur about morphs, I test with new export scene. (G3 default mesh only)

Now I can not import any face-units. etc.. Though log not show erroer, after I select all and click improt.

but UI not up-date and not show any morph controllers. for character.

I remember, when I test with new morph system (#139) , it had worked. Then I do not know which version (blender or this add on) cause this issue clear.

I think we need to return versions at least about beta, untill which up-date cause these new issue.

Comments (2)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    hmm,, I return my setting as factory setting once , then import Daz Dir paths from gloval setting again.

    After that, now it seems work (I can import morphs, and now I can see UI),

    Though About old saved files, It seems not work anymore (break morphs) .I tried up-date all etc but it show same issues.

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