Duplicate texture names will erase duplicates upon Unpacking.

Issue #1635 resolved
CookItOff created an issue

Sorry to drop so many issues in the past couple of days it’s just that time is allowing for it now.

Issue: If texture files loading from DAZ have duplicate names, once packed and then unpacked Blender will delete all but one set.

If the texture files are saved with original directory in diff and left packed, then moving a .blend file from its original location, i.e. sending to colleague, is ok. Though if the file has to be unpacked then saved again then Blender will only unpack one set with duplicates names, even if the .001 suffixes are there.

There is long running bug report https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/100361 which I’ve added to and which outlines the issue. This seems to be a know issue for Blender.

My question to you: Is there possibly away to fix the duplicate texture names coming over from DAZ?

How the textures names look when coming over from DAZ and saved with diff. Note: Also Including an image of how the textures are saved inside Blender all with unique suffixes.

This is how the Materials look before packing or while packed:

This is how the Materials look after unpacking and then saving the file. Of course blender is now only able to pull from a single set of textures that don’t match everything else, even though they all have unique suffixes when originally loaded into Blender.


Comments (8)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    solution 1. using zip,

    Thank you for reporting this blender bug, I wasn’t aware and I was lucky enough that it never occurred to me. The issue is that unpack doesn’t create subfolders and also prunes .001 suffixes. So this is a blender limitation/bug.

    Of course the blender bug can’t be fixed here. But you can save local textures with “keep directories“ that will save the daz full path relative to the content folder. Then you can make all paths relative, zip the blender file with the texture folder, and distribute that instead of packing/unpacking.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    solution 2. using pack/unpack.

    Once you save local textures with keep directories, then you can also pack/unpack using the original location. This will create the subfolders.

  3. CookItOff reporter

    Thanks, solution 1 is what I’ve been doing… basically saving the texture folder with the .blend file.

    Solution 2 seems like a good work around. I’ll try that.

    Best course would be for the DAZ content creators to not be lazy and name their textures with unique names. Lol :)


  4. Alessandro Padovani

    solution 3. same daz content folder.

    That’s not a DAZ issue, PAs use folders for textures so they can have same names. Then the folders may get lost with unpack. Of course you can also use absolute paths and distribute the blend file without textures, but this requires the receiver to have the same daz content folder.

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