easy import doesn't transfer jcms to G9 shirt

Issue #1683 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue


That’s odd it seems easy import doesn’t transfer jcms to the G9 shirt, it works fine if I transfer by hand. Also easy import transfers fine to the shorts so the bug is limited to the shirt. Test scene included g9f-basic.duf it’s G9 with basic wear shirt + shorts.

steps (works fine):

  1. easy import g9f-basic.duf without jcms
  2. import jcms to G9
  3. transfer jcms to shirt and shorts

steps (doesn’t work):

  1. easy import g9f-basic.duf with jcms
  2. check the shirt, there’s no jcms
  3. check the shorts, there’s jcms

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is related to #1685. The “head” vertex group is used here too. The plugin considers any mesh that has a “head” vertex group to not be a piece of clothing, and the G9 shirt has that.

    There is probably a better way to classify submeshes as face meshes or clothes, but what?

  2. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Well, luckily for us the daz library is organized by content. I mean in every genesis generation there are subfolders for characters, clothing, hair etc. Thus it sounds logical to check the folder name if we need to know what an asset is intended for, that’s the same thing daz studio does in the content library.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Unfortunately I don’t think that looking at directories will help in this case, since the shirt and shorts are defined in the same directory as the eyebrows.

    C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\Daz 3D\Genesis 9 Starter Essentials

    But I fixed the issue anyway by removing the vertex group requirement completely.

  4. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Here the eyebrows are under Anatomy and the shorts and shirt are under Clothing. This is defined when you unzip the G9 package so it’s the same for everyone. You have to look under the daz content folder, not under “smart” data.

    Now I’m leaving for the mid-summer party that we celebrate here in Italy, have a nice mid-summer day !

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Have a nice party. Here in Sweden we celebrate midsummer right after the summer solstice, on St John the baptist's day. Which admittedly is in the beginning of the summer.

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