your test Genesis rig functionality isn't detecting V4 rig

Issue #1756 invalid
Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz created an issue

I had a major epiphany yeah I found the Lorenzo Lopez characters and I'm not certain if they're V4 I thought they were Genesi 8 But I assumed they were V4 because the only aniblocks that would work on them are V4 aniblox and I found this whole huge pack of like seventy of them and I tried to import them with easy import daz… And the Lorenzo character I tried the woman wouldn't import I looked around in the import action tab for any possibilities and I did notice that you added the presets in there which I so much appreciate little idea right when I clicked on that I was expecting to see an enum list of you know listing all the presets that I could choose from that that would be an awesome upgrade and you know when I clicked the plus button it just said add the name which I you know could be circumvented by adding the ENUM list that links to the operator folder….

and I really appreciate that that's really awesome that you did that but is there any way that I could feature request the ability to import V4 characters and have a V4 settings file that would be so awesome because with these Lorenzo characters and your api you could code some really awesome crowd add-ons or crowd functionality… That V4 animation pack I found of just normal everyday actions makes this all possible… And I just noticed I had another epiphany I just noticed the Procedural crowds add on is only eighteen bucks so that's kind of mute but anyways V4 are awesome it would be so great to get those in thanks for advance on any help

Comments (15)

  1. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    On but the initial subject line of course your rig testing function comes back with not a Genesis rig seems like it would be easy to get V4 in there and if you look on Daz 3D dot com you'll see how beautiful they are that's the only way you could get Miley Cyrus

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    V4 figures can’t be imported, you need to convert them to general weight in daz studio, or use the blender automatic weight.

    G1 G2 have recent improvements, so now they import better, but not the same as daz studio.

    G3 to G9 import fine.

  3. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Is that all it takes if I wanted to implement V4 import using your API… Is that all I need to do is just parent… the rig when it comes in as automatic weights???

  4. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I really think you should figure out something to get V4 in there and make this. A complete Daz experience for blender……. That's my opinion…. But if you have a different…one… like only taking the cream of the crop…even though I think v4 artistic.…. That's understandable too

  5. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    Would it be possible to write a script in DAZ studio that would fix these characters so that they can be imported into Blender… I haven't had much luck finding DAZ script writers but if you guys know somebody that would be willing i'll foot the bill for it… Then we can add another bit of awesomeness to an already awesome add-on….

    OK and this is kind of a side note DAZ studio just sent me a message back saying they were going to pass on putting my add on on the store but they gave a list of issues… I sent them a message back saying I'll fix the issues and is waiting to hear back... if you guys wanted to get involved… On fine tuning my add-on… we could actually get both of our add-ons essentially on the DAZ studio store… as I bundle your add on with mine... And develop some sort of profit sharing plan (50/50)…. And then develop both of our add-ons in tandem as I built all my add Ons functionality around yours in the first place anyways…. I may not be able to say it by myself but maybe as a team we could all say that we have the only Blender add on besides DAZ studio own listed on the DAZ Studio website ….or on the flip side if you're not interested in that you might want to try to get your add-on listed on the store because you know a lot of DAZ users may not know about that about your add on and it would really be helping out a lot of people that just think you could use you know DAZ studio own that they have listed on the site and will be missing out on all the great possibilities that you can do….. I've always felt that due to the grandeur of this add-on and what it provides as far as strength to professionals should have its own flashy dedicated website and the likes of DAZ studio's own otherwise it's not really represented right and like 90% of the world is passing it by and definitely you should charge for it... then if you did want to team up I could get the ball rolling on the flashy website you know as an interface to this mecca of incredibly fast animation production and blender using our add-ons in tandem… So take it or leave it but you guys are sitting on a goldmine and this may not be perfect but it would be one opportunity to grow financially and help out a lot of professionals...

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    The owner of the copyright is @Thomas Larsson , so it’s him deciding on these matters. I only lend some help here and there, including the tracker.

    p.s. As for talented developers, apart of course Thomas, there’s Donald #191, Xin #1399 and Mike #1168 here. Or others at the daz forum. I myself am not so good in python and blender I just do some basic stuff for my own needs.

  7. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    I'm not really certain about the links that you posted… You know what your intention was with them I would like to know and if you did want afford this to Thomas dad this is a possibility to get an add-on listed on the site and whether he's interested in working with me or the other way around would like any help at all in talking to DAZ studio minimally good at communicating with people you know to help in any regard getting your ad listed on that side because you know when I first heard of it I didn't know what A DIFFEOMORPHIC was but you know once into the world I know it's some serious software… And you guys have a serious programming team running it I'm interested in helping in any way I'm not really for self promotion just you know getting a faster workflow via either of our add-ons into more hands…. especially on the D A Z studio store because all the people that are stuck with D A Z to blender and its limitations are really missing out….and if you mentioned those people because any of those people would be for hire for writing D A Z scripts I'm always looking to hire people..

  8. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    thank you for that information there's no real online scripting tutorials for DAZ maybe that would be the smartest move is hire em to make an online scripting tutorial for DAZ😂

  9. Joe Morris @ FAST Animation Studio Toolz reporter

    OK thanks the other first thing I was probably gonna do is do some sort of add mixamo functionality or something… So if he changes his mind it'd be something he could benefit from

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