Clear morphs issue w/ FaceCap File

Issue #1951 invalid
GeneralProtectionFault created an issue

So sorry I missed this when putting in this issue:

But it looks like clear morphs works if they are manually set, but not if you imported a FaceCap file. I tried selecting the mesh too just in case. I also tried the Clear Morphs button in the posing panel, no luck.

Interestingly, clear pose does work (in the posing panel). In my case, my FaceCap file moved the head as well, and clear pose cleared the head position, but the facial expression remained. That makes sense, but those morphs are stuck.

Another thing I noticed is that activating/deactivating the morphs with the “All” or “None” (heh) buttons did not seem to do anything, either doing so before or after the FaceCap file import. I’m not sure exactly how those are intended to be used, but just including the info.

Comments (6)

  1. GeneralProtectionFault reporter

    Just in case no one has an iPhone laying around, I attached the FaceCap file I was trying out.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Since facecap creates an action, neither Clear Pose nor Clear Morph make any persistent changes unless you enable auto keying. The pose appears to be cleared, but as soon as you update the scene (e.g. by going to the next frame and back), the old pose reappears. Why Blender behaves like this I don’t know, it has something to do with the order that the depsgraph is updated.

  3. GeneralProtectionFault reporter

    Ah, the action makes sense, I see. So, I’m not sure if something needs “fixing” or not then. My use case is if I just want an expression out of the FaceCap file instead of the entire animation (sometimes anyhoo). Realizing the action is the reason, if I “X” the action from the Action Editor, the clear pose & clear morph buttons work.

    I’m not overly experienced with all of Blender’s animation tools, but I’m not sure if this works out if you want to do that, but keep the action for a different animation or something. Maybe one idea is to create a “rest” action that just has 1 frame with the character in the rest pose--if this causes workflow confusion, but I’m not the best person to say 😋 .

    Only thing I can think to comment on is that if doing something like I was, then you kind of end up flipping back and forth between the Posing & Morphs menus, but that’s minor of course. Might just be noob syndrome on my part.

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