Scalp error when importing hair

Issue #2007 invalid
LL LL created an issue

Hello there!
Im having an issue with importing this hair
It throws me this error, which it shouldnt, because i got rid of the scalp mesh before.

Comments (5)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    One limit of the hair tool is it can’t autodetect the uv orientation, so you have to specify it in the parameters. Then if the tool finds confusing uvs compared to what you specify it throws the error. It is also possible that the hair uses different uv orientations for the same mesh, in this case the hair doesn’t fit. That is, you'd have to split the hair by uv orientation that may not be easy to do.

    You can try to uncheck “check strips“, sometime it may work the same. Hair

    edit. From the promo images it seems the hair also includes a band, if so you have to separate that too other than the scalp. In this case this may be what’s confusing the hair tool.

    note. In any case OOT hairs are the worst for blender because they use a custom shader and are often very heavy. If you want to use strand based hair in blender then better convert dforce hairs. Then the best is to use the blender tools to make native blender hair, I mean now that a hair library is provided with blender.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I usually separate the hair mesh by materials first, and then join the meshes that are proper hairs again. In that way the plugin doesn’t try to make hair from the scalp and other things like hairbands. As Alessandro said, the check strips option can be turned off. It is there to catch mistakes such as the meshes being selected in the wrong order, but sometimes proper hair is caught too.

  3. LL LL reporter

    Tested now couple more of OOT and dforce hairs and got it working. It was indeed the hairband and other non-hair stuff preventing the conversion.
    Why are OOT hairs heavier btw? Just because of the shader?

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