Irises Material Issue

Issue #2163 invalid
Metehan Kabasakal created an issue

All materials except for Irises import fine. I’ve tested three other characters: one of them imports to the HD version but doesn’t import to the base version, one of them imports to the base version but doesn’t import to the HD version, and the other one doesn’t import at all.

I’m using latest commit.


1-HD export

2-Import with Easy Import Daz

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I can’t see anything strange with the iris material. The normal map for the translucent node is inverted, which looks a bit funny, but I think that is how it is supposed to be.

  2. Metehan Kabasakal reporter

    The thing is Irises material imported for you but it doesn’t import for me. I fresh installed addon for twice and tested with blender 4.1 and 4.2 but issue still remains. It looks like the issue is on my end but I don’t know the reason.

    p.s I’ve tested with stable version of the addon, it just crashed blender.

    product link

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    @Metehan You may need to update since daz translucent with principled was recently fixed. You always need to update before posting bugs, again see #2129.

    p.s. In your picture you use the solid mode which can’t show materials. Of course you need to render or at least use the material preview. If this is the issue then you can close as invalid.

  4. Metehan Kabasakal reporter

    Latest update isn’t working either. When rendering or in material preview results everything is good, but as you can see I don’t have the irises material in material slot which if I wanted to edit only irises material I wouldn’t be able to do it. Can you test it too?

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