Victoria 9 HD standard FACS morph seems bugged.

Issue #2194 resolved
bouich jules created an issue

Hi! new bug i started to encounter with the new commits.

changing facs expression to 1 totally break the mesh

Please find the .dsf in attachment.

Thank you.

Comments (17)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Can’t reproduce the issue here. Be sure to get the master branch as others are experimental.

    my steps:

    1. export Victoria 9 as HD
    2. easy import with FACS and transfer to face

    p.s. Can’t load your test scene as there’s missing files, you may want to link the used assets. See #2129.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    I can confirm that your test scene works fine in 4.2.0, but I’m not sure that you can switch the addon like you do in your video. It is safer to restart blender. Also probably with 4.2.1 you have to re-export the dbz.

    p.s. Your shape preset doesn’t work when I apply it to G9 there’s missing files. So can’t test.

  3. bouich jules reporter

    i did re-export and restarted computer and its same

    it works fine in 4.2.0 like he video but not in 4.2.1 like the video same bug

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Nope, your package comes with missing files here, so can’t test. Anyway I’m opening the issue for Thomas if he has some ideas about.

  5. bouich jules reporter

    not only with this but with all my custom morph for g9 i just dont understand, the facs expression can not be properply imported.

    what recent changes does the 4.2.1 have compared to the 4.2.0 ?

    import facs expression in 4.2.1 just doesnt work.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I cannot reproduce the error either. However, the error message hints that there is something wrong with the existing drivers when you add the new one, but I don’t understand why there aren’t line breaks between the infos. I did some changes there recently, basically I outlawed the variable name “e” to avoid confusion with floating-point numbers.

    Anyway, I think it would be helpful to have a look at the blend file before the morph is imported.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    @Bouich, you deleted the duf and dbz files from the description, also your video is no more available. Your other files are useless since they are corrupted with missing files. You may want to re-upload the duf and dbz, with those Thomas can check 4.2.0 which works fine and 4.2.1 which doesn’t, and perhaps find the culprit.

  8. bouich jules reporter

    Please find the problematic file in attachment,

    I believe i might really slow down on downloading and testing every last commit released, something got corrupted dont know what, i uninstalled and reinstalled blender same issue.

    Anyway i figure out it's not with FACS expression but if i deactivate the JCM and head and other facs i dont have any issue:

    I think activating multiple facs cause the issue.

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