Merge Geograft hidden vertices and rigging with Rigify

Issue #41 resolved
AB created an issue

In regards to merging, as referenced in #37, I have found that merging DOES work, but there is some excess geometry, which is normally hidden by DAZ under normal circumstances. On import to blender, the mesh becomes visible and requires some cleanup. Nothing too difficult, but I may be doing something wrong.

Second, when merging the rigs, there are some duplicate bones. I am unsure if this is due to error on my part or the product itself.

When converting rig to rigify, I may be missing something, but I believe I lose additional bones found on the geograft. Is there a way to get the additional bones while still being able to use rigify? Converting it results in the entire geograft being tied to the hip/pelvic bone and thus not working.

Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    The excess geometry has been fixed just download the latest commit and it works fine. As for merging rigs I can’t see any extra bone left around. There are the same bones as in daz studio. You will find the geograft bones in layer three though the layer checkmark is missing. Be aware that the futalicious and roasty bones are hidden in daz studio so you have to show them in the viewport to see them.

    As for rigify I can’t help you since I don’t use it.

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