FACS squint doesn't work

Issue #522 resolved
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

daz studio 4.15, blender 2.92, commit 9b7e49b

Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but it seems that squint doesn’t work fine. That is, the lashes don’t follow. With the other controls the lashes follow.


  1. import the test scene g81f-facs.duf
  2. merge rigs
  3. make custom shapes
  4. import facs units
  5. pose the squint control, the lashes don’t follow

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    update. Tried also to import the face units, just in case facs would drive them too, but doesn’t seem to work either.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Is this still an issue? Everything works here, except that Merge Bone Parented Rigs must be enabled when parenting rigs.

  3. Alessandro Padovani reporter

    Commit 1bb4d4d works fine if I merge rigs with the parent option.

    Again in my opinion merge rigs should be smart enough to do this itself when needed, also because it's not obvious what to do as explained in #526.

    Or may be a simple solution is to have the parent and transform options always enabled by default. Then in the user docs explain that parented items that are to be kept parented, such as hand weapons or helmets, should not be selected when merging rigs. But this would not be possible with the easy option.

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