Eyelash, eyebrow don't follow custom morphs/expression..

Issue #526 closed
bouich jules created an issue

Hi, please if you can have a look at the video, with daz the eyelash and eyebrow are perfectly working.

but with the plugin they absolutely don’t move they stay on the same position.

Comments (17)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You need to transfer shapekeys from the body mesh to the eyebrows and eyelashes. Somehow that happens automatically in DS.

  2. bouich jules reporter

    you can’t when i try transfer shapekey, i have this error “ Skipping 'Termari Eyebrow.001', vertex count differs “

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    As for commit b82f7dc.

    Just to be precise. The temari eyebrow, eyelashes and hair are both conformed and parented to the head bone in daz studio. And are imported as parented in blender so they are not merged by merge rigs. That's a new case we never encountered before since conformed items are usually not parented in daz studio.

    edit. Edited for inaccuracy and corrections.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Here it is the workaround how I do it working in blender. Then I hope this can be useful for Thomas to understand how the plugin could handle it.

    1. Import the temari figure.
    2. Unparent everything, with the "keep transformations" option.
    3. Apply scale both to the temari figure and all the unparented items.

    Now the usual conformed or parented case. Please note that only the scale is applied in this case.

    1. Merge rigs for the temari kimono, shoes and shorts. Those are the conformed items in daz studio.
    2. Parent the temari fan to the hand bone, and the temari eyes to the head bone, with the "relative parenting" option. Those are the parented items in daz studio.

    Now the new both conformed and parented case.

    1. Apply all transforms to temari, brows, eyelashes and hair, both to the armatures and the geometries.
    2. Merge rigs.
    3. Import expressions.
    4. Transfer shapekeys from temari to brows and eyelashes.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Merge Rigs now has two new options: Apply Transforms and Merge Bone Parented Rigs. With both enabled I had success with Temari adult: merge rigs, load morphs and transfer shapekeys all worked. Will check the dressed Temari later.

  6. bouich jules reporter

    thank you so much thomas, i’ll give it a try.

    btw the models with the “ hidden nodes ” feature are no longer done by Shinteo, he update them all to G8.1F , there facial expression doesnt work in DAZ so you dont need care about that genin temari because there facial expressions dont work in Daz and they will all be updated to G8.1F like temari adult by the author Shinteo.

    Thanks again great job anyway!

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, options are always fine, but I was hoping that the plugin could understand what to do. That is, merge conformed items, parent parented items, then apply transforms and merge for those items that are both parented and conformed. This is because the general daz user could not be aware of the difference among those cases.

    Then to help I did a simple scene with two cubes. They’re converted to figures with edit > object > rigging > convert prop to figure. Then the second cube is both parented to the first cube bone, and conformed to the first cube. If we look at the duf file we can see what’s parented and what’s conformed. So the plugin could distinguish among different cases.

  8. bouich jules reporter

    It’s just incredible expresssions works so great for all those G8.1F anime model. Amazing and incredible job.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    @bouich jules please unmark as resolved, so we can see if Thomas could automate things for the general daz user. Otherwise I can open a new issue but it would be “odd” to do so. Then in general in a issue where others are partecipating, it may be polite to ask before closing.

  10. bouich jules reporter

    no problem Alessandro, can you please also have a look at Issue #527 with blender 2.92

    edit: sorry marked as resolved because issue was fixed, will let you know next time before i mark as resolve.

  11. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The tool works better now, but still not without problems. With the default settings the Temari brows and lashes are merged with the main rig, whereas the hair rig remains parented to the head bone. Since it may be desirable to merge also the hair and it is not straightforward to do that by hand, there is still an option to merge all bone children to the main rig.

    As for the test scene, one bone disappears after merging because the bones have the same name. This is the expected behaviour. If Create Duplicate Bones is enabled both bones remain, but the vertex groups are not updated for the automatic bone name change. I will address that some time later.

  12. bouich jules reporter

    It was working fine, but now it created a new issue, Issue #532

    if you can bring back the option thomas to apply object transform for merge rigs.

    the build 205f2c27632c was just perfect regarding this issue.

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