Blender pose bone translation option uncheck "use local location" = Daz pose bone translation

Issue #533 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

As Thomas know, daz pose translate value (Euler) is somehow different from what blender Euler bone location values. I suppose so Thomas try to circulate daz Euler (x, y, z) translate value to , blender Euler location value with use matrix.

as default,

Daz bone translation x, y, z along with the parent bone current posed local x, y, z axis. (include parent bone rotation )

in blender (default = use local transform”

Blender local bone transform x , y , z axis = self bone local axis of rest pose

So we need to convert DAZ bone translation value to Blender bone location value with circulate .

Then I often see blender bone property “local location” option. as default when I use daz importer it is activated.then blender bone location along with self bone rest pose local axis as I mentioned already.

I remember the “local location” on and off is offered for some blender animation, then anyway if you uncheck it = (not use local location), actually blender pose bone location value change along with Daz way.

That means,

uncheck “local location” move pose bone, (Euler x, y, z location value)

along with parent bone current posed local x, y, z axis.

Though I do not recommend soon, you change generate bone setting so, but it may offer easy import translate pose for blender rig.

Actually you may better compare it, with rig, then set bone setting as “use local” or “not use local” and compare how bone move, with change location value.

Though if you use this option (not use local location) to set daz rig, all import pose translate value need to use same value as daz, with compare rig map local axis. but at least you need not convert each translation component value which described in pose or animation duf.

I can not push it (because it may cause some problem untill you remake it import function for translate), but if you feel difficulity to convert translate pose,, it is one good option which follow daz bone translate way. (the values are dsicribed in duf)

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Engetudouiti, I’d like to have your opinion on #526 #527 I believe your help could be useful there, if you may give a look. Or to just confirm you have nothing to add eventually.

    I don’t know this local location may also have something to do with it.

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    hmmm,,, really wired,, I check again now, then I can confrim blender use pose bone locaiton as I described, but with I test new generate rig, in daz studio, I can not confirm,, actually which is same ^^;

    when I test genesis rig, I almost confrim, is seems same as use non local location (blender)

    but now I see differently with new generate test rig. so I need to confrim.

    anyway I only say, this option change way how rig locate. (and blender default is set it as “false” = not use local locaiton. but use parent bone current local axis.

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    Ah I see,,,, no daz bone translation is niether of them.

    when we keep rest pose, all bone translation axis along with object local axis.

    then after pose parent bone chains, it change with. (but not along with the parent bone local) and not along with rest pose axis.

    so after all,, (which option used), Thomas need to re-circulate daz translation value.

    (I do not think blender offer such option like daz for bone translation)

    most easy check is move pectoral bone in blender and daz,..

    in daz without we pose other bone,, change translation move along with object axis (or world axis)

    but in blender, with local location on ,, it move along with the bone local axis,

    with local location of, it move along with parent bone local axis. so which option is easy convert, I do not know ^^; after all when convert daz translation (pose bone) to blender location (pose bone), need to add the matrix of bone local axis . (parent bone local, or self rest pose local)

    about daz it ignore bone local axis for translate..

    object cordinate axis >> rotate each parent bones change the cordinate axis>> daz translate axis of the bone.

  4. engetudouiti reporter


    It seems better not add my new things in those problem.

    as Thomas said, when import daz transform value , with combine, object transform + pose bone transform for blender is really tricky

    that was one reason, why I hope to add root pose bone for all import rig then use root bone pose as daz root node transform, I can make things clear for animation in blender. but as you said before, if it mix with non armature object transform (like prop) it may change.

    As conulusion, this option better not use it for current add on ^^; (there seems no merit, even though it is blender default option)

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